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2 weeks today and off to Peru - can't wait! Is there anyone else travelling via Heathrow on 10 April?

Hi Hammerette,

I came back from this trip last Friday. Boy are you in for a treat - it was great. Lots of surprises and so interesting.

Just a couple of points:-

Nearly everyone experienced altitude sickness in some form or other - even the tour manager. Strangely it was not those who were the fittest who escaped - just the opposite. There is free oxygen & coca tea provided at the hotels in Cusco & Puno so please take advantage of this as it really does help. We all experienced shortage of breath when climbing up steps etc. so don't spoil you holiday when you can do something to alleviate it.

If you are doing the Amazon add-on, make sure you take a bag to take to the lodge as your main luggage is stored at the hotel in Lima until you get back. The type you can take on the plane as hand baggage is ideal. Some of those on my trip didn't so had to go and buy one.

Adaptors for electrical goods - mobile, camera etc. are the small 2 pins (as those for Italy) as the ones with the 2 larger pins don't fit.

Have a brilliant time - I know you will.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thank you for your reply - so good to hear that the trip is worthwhile!

I have a couple of questions which I hope you don't mind helping with:-

1) How much currency would you recommend taking?

2) Plug adapters - is the 2 pin plug adapter the same as you would take for Spain? I've never been to Italy so don't know what that plug adapter looks like (I'm a travel philistine but trying to remedy that now!).

3) Do I need to pack 'smart' clothes for meals out or is the dress code more relaxed?

I'm getting excited about this trip now!



'Hammerette' wrote:


Thank you for your reply - so good to hear that the trip is worthwhile!

I have a couple of questions which I hope you don't mind helping with:-

1) How much currency would you recommend taking?

2) Plug adapters - is the 2 pin plug adapter the same as you would take for Spain? I've never been to Italy so don't know what that plug adapter looks like (I'm a travel philistine but trying to remedy that now!).

3) Do I need to pack 'smart' clothes for meals out or is the dress code more relaxed?

Hiya AJ,

1) I took sol and dollars (though I came back with some dollars) rather than Sterling. I was told we could take sol in but not back out of the country so I used them up first but no-one said anything. The hotels at Cusco & Puno would change dollars into sol and there were Exchange places too - but don't change money with the street people because their notes are counterfeit. ATMs are around but just one person had trouble getting cash out. I didn't need to so it was not a problem. You could use your debit or credit cards too.How much you take is up to you, but it is shoppers paradise particularly alpaca!

2) Adaptors are the 2 small round pins - as for Spain - the 2 larger round pins just don't fit. If you have a problem, your tour manager will help.

3) We went out at night a few times and you can take more dressy things if you want but the roads and pavements in Cusco are not high-heel friendly but it is purely a matter of choice. If you want to go casual, that's fine too. Just be comfortable - it was hotter than I had expected so I didn't need my waterproof coat, but if you have one of those little jackets that pack up into a packet that would be ideal, as the weather can change very quickly and although not cold you would still get wet. We only had rain during the night - one electric storm over Lake Titicaca was an amazing sight because we were on the other side of the lake!

Comfy shoes for Machu Picchu are a must but unless you are doing the Amazon add-on, you won't need walking boots.Remember your camera - I have never taken so many holiday photos.

If you have any more queries, feel free to ask. Have a fantastic holiday...

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel: