Having come back from this trip in October I hope I can answer your questions.
OK, money, local currency is Kenyan Shillings, so you will need some to take with you, in all I took round about £1000 in 3 currencies, Kenyan Shillings, Pounds & Dollars, never touched the dollars, used the pounds to pay for the trips when we got back to Mombassa and and just used my shillings, if you don't want to take a lot of money with you, there is a Barcleys bank with a cash point just down the road from the Hotel in Mombassa. It woill all depend on how much you intend buying on how much money you need, things are cheaper than you will realise
Vaccinations, I would recommend you make an appointment to see the nurse at your GPs, I went about 8 weeks before departure, she advised which jabs I needed and had them there and then, you can have Yellow Fever, but will have to pay for it, the others are free on the NHS, you will need Maleria tablets, again she will advise you, but everyone seems to take malarone, you will have to pay for a private prescription for this.
Plug sockets, don't worry, kenya has the same voltage and sockets as we have here, so your normal plugs are fine.
Clothing, yes it will be hot and humid, so thin tops, shorts etc, you don't need long sleeves as long as you have an anti mozzie cream or spray, I took all sorts of anti mozzie stuff but just used a spray I bought off ebay, didn't get one bite, oh and at the hotel in Mombassa they like you to dress for dinner, no shorts, swimsuits etc so take a summer dress/light trousers with you.
Hope you have a good camera as you will take some excellent photograps, if you have binoculars take them or borrow some
And last of all have a great trip, check out all other forum posts about Kenya the will give you more advice.
If I can help anymore just ask.