Jo kindred spirit
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just wondering what typically is the age range - not that that massively bothers me - just curious x
  • (Member)
Hello and welcome

The age question is always being asked, at 27 you would be a young one,I am a middle one at 52 LOL and there are many older ones...

Main age 55-70 with younger and older either side. if you can mix with old and young and can chat away and join in you will be fine,if there are younger ones I become the mother figure!!!! and with the real older ones it just brings back memories of my family, I love the whole age range I think it makes for good fun, and to listen to peoples lives etc, and most of them are fitter than I am, so if theres a holiday you fancy give it a go.

I am having my 8th JY tour in 2012..


Mick W
  • (Member)
You would very likely be the youngest but out of the 4 holidays I've done 2 (maybe 3) have had people around your age.

Each time the youngest as been among the ladies while men don't seem to start until their 40's.

The majority of people will be in their 50's & 60's but there will be younger and older.

Many of us (I'm 53) like to think we are younger than our age anyway so if its not a issue to you don't miss out on a great holiday.

  • (Member)
I was 24 when i did the golden west trip and in 25 now and just come off another us trip x
Hi im 29 and i have just booked my first trip to go on the america golden west next june 2012.


Hi i'm about to be 25 and considering booking my first holiday over the new year.
  • (Member)

I'm 25 and my sister's 21 and we've just done the China trip in July - there were a few of us in our 20's. It was mostly people between 40-70 but it didn't matter we had a super time and everyone was lovely.



Chloesonic :)
Hi im 19 and just booked my first Jy holiday to Kenya in June so ill prob be the youngest of all haha but i dont mind 🙂 x
  • (Member)
Age is just a number. You are only as old as you feel! As long as you get on with people of all ages, you will have no problem at all with a Just You holiday.
