• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there. I'm looking forward to my first Just You holiday on the Austrian Lakes leaving Gatwick next Sunday. A little apprehensive but am sure I'll meet lots of nice people and enjoy myself. The reviews of the Strand Hotel are very mixed. Anyone got first hand experience?


  • (Member)
Hello There

I went on the Austrian Lake tour couple years ago and had a great time, I found the Strand to be good, there is NO LIFT and the rooms are on the 1st or the 2nd floor so cases do have to be taken upstairs. My room had a fantastic lake veiw which was so nice to look out on. Tea and Coffee making facilitys in the room, nice bathroom and comfy double bed, I think I also had a single bed in there as well? T.V. small table and chair big double wardrobe. I am a vegetarian and the staff tried to cater for mel, sometimes it wasnt quite right but that was not there problem it was me. Staff were very nice.

Is there anything else you need to know?

Really nice tour you will have fun I am sure.


Hi Sue,

I did the Austrian Lakes trip last year. Nice country and lots of interesting things to see and do. I am sure you will have a good time.

No need to be apprehensive because your tour manager will take really good care of you and you will meet some great new people. I hope this is the first of many lovely holidays.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hello Sue

Well done for deciding to go on your first Just You holiday, What a fabulous trip to start your Just You experience. I have been on this particular trip on 2 occasions with another booked for next year. It is a stunning part of the world. The Hotel is very good and very comfortable.My friend Nixon is correct with regards to no lift, But the good thing there are only 2 flights, And I am sure all the fella's will chip in like I did back in August. The Rooms are very spacious and they now have hair dryers. The food is ample and very well cooked. The excursions both included and optional are all well worth venturing onto if you so wish. You will be situated in a delightful little village over looking the lake. Lets hope the weather is kind to you.

The Tour manager will look after you and advise you and you will be in very good hands

Have a great trip


Hello Sue.

You have certainly picked a great little trip for your first Just You experience. Austria is a fantastic part of the World. I have been on this particular trip twice before, With a return already booked for next year.

I am aware of the mixed reviews with regard to the Hotel. However I must confess this hotel is situated in a fantastic location over looking Lake Attersea. The Hotel it self is extremely comfortable and all the rooms I have been in are extremely roomy. I can agree however what my friend Nixon has said that there is not a lift. And I guess this is the major downside for this particular trip. However I am sure you will have some nice gentleman and assist with cases etc like I did back in August. It is only two floors and isnt too bad. All rooms now have hair dryers which had been installed between my two visits. The meals are ample and very well cooked. Served by friendly staff. I cant promise anything with regard to the weather. However I would ensure you carry something warm, And something water proof. And perhaps some insect repellant. Also on the Lake land boat cruise, It can get chilly so be prepared. The hotel is in a great little village. where there are bus routes to local towns and other villages. All the excursions both optional and included are all well worth going on. Personally I cant talk highly enough for this trip.

I can understand about being apprehensive, However you will have an experienced tour manager on hand to look after you

Have a great trip Sue and all the very best. And I look forward to hearing your report on your return, And tell me I am wrong lol


Hi Sue

Well done for choosing to go with Just You, I can well understand you being a little apprehensive because I think we have all been there. But you have certainly picked a great trip to start with. I have first and second hand experience on this trip, As I have been on it on two occasions with another booked for next year. The hotel is situated in a lovely little town over looking lake Attersea which is litterly about 50 yards from the hotels front door. My friend Nixon is correct with regard to being no lift, And I would say this is the biggest down side of this trip, However the stairs are very wide an not very steep, And I am sure like I did back in August, Some nice chaps will assist with any cases etc. The Hotel is self is very comfortable and all rooms are fairly roomy and all have got hair dryers which was added since my first visit. All meals are adequate and very well cooked. In the event you wish to stop at the hotel after your evening meal to have a drink at the bar. Then it maybe a little disappointing as the hotel bar tends to close early,however there are several places only a few hundred yards away, which are worth exploring, and handy if you fancy a drink, coffee etc. All the excursions both included and optional are very intersting and worth going on.

Be sure to carry something warm and water proof especially for the evening boat cruise.

Enjoy your trip Sue

Regards Andy