  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - can anyone help me decide where to go for christmas..really fancy a change this year. I've travelled on my own before but never on an organised tour. Anywhere is Europe would be good- thankyou.
  • (Member)
Ive plumbed for the Luxembourg trip.

No real reason why, just took pot luck


Hi Poppy

I'm new also, and have been debating the same thing! I'm considering Prague at the moment - I've never been, and the feedback from other holidaymakers is very good.

i have decide on Germany it sounds nice plus i got feed back from someone else that has been before she sed it really nice
  • (Member)
'Poppy66' wrote:

Hi - can anyone help me decide where to go for christmas..really fancy a change this year. I've travelled on my own before but never on an organised tour. Anywhere is Europe would be good- thankyou.

Hi. I've booked on the Prague trip. My first time with Just You. Ive wanted togo there for ages. But of course you must decide whats best for you.
