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Hi my name is Gareth I am 25 at time of posting, I am going on the Magic of Kenya trip 4/12/12, I just wondered anybody else going then and wants to discuss this trip. This will be first holiday alone and first flying experience having never set foot in a airport:shy: so it would be nice to get some advice.
  • (Member)

Welcome to you and you have picked a fantastic tour to do, I am not on this trip but I did do this trip last year so if you want to pick my brains for information etc feel free.


Hi Gareth

Im also looking at the Magic of Kenya with coast extension, Last year I travelled to Thailand for 4 weeks (Ending up staying 5 due to volcanic ash) and I enjoyed not having to please friends and was able to do and see all the things that interseted me, I am also 25 I am a little concerned about Kenya at present with all the media surrounding the recent draughts and famin!!

Get in touch you probably have the same questions as me are you booked on the 4th December 12?


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'Kirsty86' wrote:

Hi Gareth

Im also looking at the Magic of Kenya with coast extension, Last year I travelled to Thailand for 4 weeks (Ending up staying 5 due to volcanic ash) and I enjoyed not having to please friends and was able to do and see all the things that interseted me, I am also 25 I am a little concerned about Kenya at present with all the media surrounding the recent draughts and famin!!

Get in touch you probably have the same questions as me are you booked on the 4th December 12?


Yes I am going on the 4th December 2012. I suppose many of my questions really are about the travelling having never flown before I'm not really sure how it works. I suppose I'll find it weird at first being able to do what I want to do but I'm sure I'll et used to it.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:


Welcome to you and you have picked a fantastic tour to do, I am not on this trip but I did do this trip last year so if you want to pick my brains for information etc feel free.


I suppose my main concerns are the travelling. Ive never flown before so to di it on my own is a little daunting. When I arrive at the airport at what point do you meet up with the Just You rep and other travellers?