  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi people,

I'm a newbie to this site, but not a newbie to traveling. thought i would give this place a quick look and see how things work :)

I'm 37, single guy, looking to see more places. i'm extremely open minded and am willing to do most things to expand experiences, from boat trip sight seeing and mountain trecking to Bungee jumps and sky diving and anything inbetween.

I'm looking at maybe doing austria in Oct this year and wondering if anyone else is thinking of doing the same.........

anyway, drop me a line if you fancy this or maybe have ideas of other places and fancy a trip with someone like minded.

Thanks all


  • (Member)
Hiya goin to austria sept 28 sounds

realy good, like you this is my first holiday with this sight but av bin told its realy good,

, emma,

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey Emma,

dont know why the replies aren't showing up......ive replied 3 times now and it doesnt seem to appear, so here's hoping this one does!! lol

is 28th Sept when you are looking to get away somewhere?

Hi Coops,

And welcome to Just You.

The reason for the delay is that you will have posted these replies over the weekend and they would have to wait until this morning to appear on the Forum because they need to be checked before they appear on the site.

When you click 'Post Reply' a message to that effect comes up. So No you are not being ignored - it just takes time.

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel: