  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am thinking about booking a holiday with just for you, but i am a bit nervous going on holiday on my own ?
Hi Peachybel, welcome to the forum :)

I can understand you being a bit nervous but in my experience JY trips are well organised and very enjoyable. Don't let the nerves put you off.



Try not to be nervous, about to go on my 5th Holiday with Just You, and everyone has been brilliant!


  • (Member)
Hello and welcome

I have done 6 JY tours in 4 years and have another two booked.. so have a look at what is out there and I hope you can find a holiday you like. My problem is there are so many to pick from..


Mick W
  • (Member)
I think most people are nervous when they first book and I believe whatever holiday you choose you will find you arn't the only newbie.

From what I've seen n the trips I've done everyone is so friendly and start of holiday nerves soon disappear, the fact most people usually come back for more holidays is the biggest testament to JY.

Just remember you wont be on your own and book what you fancy and have a great trip.


olly z
  • (Member)
You and me both..I like the look of the walking on germany. This is nerve racking
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'julian888' wrote:

Hi Peachybel, welcome to the forum :)

I can understand you being a bit nervous but in my experience JY trips are well organised and very enjoyable. Don't let the nerves put you off.


Hiya Julian, thanks for getting back to me, sorry its late but I am just finding my way round this forum, well I ve booked a holiday for the 30th of september to Bulgaria's Black sea Riviers, I am sooooooo excited thanks :thumbup:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'dazgrice' wrote:


Try not to be nervous, about to go on my 5th Holiday with Just You, and everyone has been brilliant!


Hi, thanks for that, well also I am finding my way this community, well I ve booked a holiday on the 30th of sept to Bulgaria's Black sea Riviera, so looking forward to it. thanks :thumbup:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Mick wrote:

I think most people are nervous when they first book and I believe whatever holiday you choose you will find you arn't the only newbie.

From what I've seen n the trips I've done everyone is so friendly and start of holiday nerves soon disappear, the fact most people usually come back for more holidays is the biggest testament to JY.

Just remember you wont be on your own and book what you fancy and have a great trip.


Hi, Thanks for that, I am also finding my way round this community, well I ve booked a holiday and sooooooo looking forward to it. i am going to Bugaria's Black sea Riviera. thanks :thumbup:

Hi Peachybel,

Well done for beating the nerves! :thumbup:

Have a great time!

Julian 🙂

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