(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to the forum,

Looking to take my first JY holiday this year, not sure what to do as yet, whatever it is I hope it will be worthwhile.

Paul P:thumbup:

  • (Member)

I have done 6 tours in 4 years I can honestley say each and every one of them has been worthwhile, some for the scenery, some for the people, some for the experience.. but in all cases so glad I have been on them ALL.

3 tours to USA

1 tour to Poland

1 Tours to Austrian Lakes

1 Tour to Kenya Safari

Tuscany booked this year.


Hi Everyone

I am new here just discovered this site this morning...suddenly had a yearning to go somewhere really different and as I know my partner won't travel and my family wouldn't be interested or unable to afford it,I am considering travelling on my own. Africa is very attractive to me..

Any advice or comments welcome


  • (Member)
'Mister-Just-Go' wrote:

Hi to the forum,

Looking to take my first JY holiday this year, not sure what to do as yet, whatever it is I hope it will be worthwhile.

Paul P:thumbup:

Hello Paul,

I just went for it, I'm going to Kusadasi in October, partly because I've been before but not on my own and it seems less daunting to go to a country you've been to before.

But I also just went for it because I need a holiday and if I'd thought about it too much I would never have taken the plunge. I'm looking forward to meeting new people, having fun and going to Ephesus x


Hi Paul,

Welcome to the forum :)

I know it can be difficult choosing so if you have any questions about any trip just post them on the forum; I'm sure one of the members will be able to give an answer.


  • (Member)
'Mister-Just-Go' wrote:

Hi to the forum,

Looking to take my first JY holiday this year, not sure what to do as yet, whatever it is I hope it will be worthwhile.

Paul P:thumbup:

Hi Paul

My only trip with Just You so far was to China in January 2009, it was fabulous, very cold, great group of people, wide age range.

Last October I went to India with another Singles Travel Company which was also great, lot smaller group.

I'm looking to book a holiday later this year with Just You, can recommend travelling with this type of company if you are a Single Traveller as you will always have company and your fellow travellers are likeminded in the respect that they are making the trip on their own.



Hi Cindy

I have also just booked my first hol with JU, but only a 4 day one to France initially, to see how it goes. I get the impression we shall be very well looked after and many people seem to have rebooked after their first holiday, so the signs are good! I am slightly apprehensive though at the same time looking forward to going away. Best of luck!

(Member) (Topic Starter)
'harpic' wrote:

'Mister-Just-Go' wrote:

Hi to the forum,

Looking to take my first JY holiday this year, not sure what to do as yet, whatever it is I hope it will be worthwhile.

Paul P:thumbup:

Thanks for your reply Anne, I'm definitely gonna try it this probably in September.

Paul P

Hello Paul,

I just went for it, I'm going to Kusadasi in October, partly because I've been before but not on my own and it seems less daunting to go to a country you've been to before.

But I also just went for it because I need a holiday and if I'd thought about it too much I would never have taken the plunge. I'm looking forward to meeting new people, having fun and going to Ephesus x
