  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone is going to Canada and Alaska in Sept 2011. I am thinking of booking this holiday. Have travelled to USA with Just You previously.


hi debbie, l have booked to go on this tour sept 8th, l have b een to the rockies before, and it was jolly good, the scenary and the people, l am really looking forward to the cruise as this is something l have wanted to do,there are a few more that have booked , if you look further on, down the pages, speak to you later pauline
  • (Member)
i was going to book for that not a good time to go to Canada?

Still trying to pluck up the courage!!

Hi Debbie and others

I am thinking of doing this trip in September + the Alaska add on. So nice to know a few are already interested. I had better think long and hard about committing to this sooner rather than later then!