Sue J
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have booked (for the first time!) to go on the Golden West holiday in May. I would like to know the type of clothes people usually take on this holiday - casual/smart casual/dressy?? Any advice on this or anything else I should take, gratefully received!!

Feel free to contact me if you are going on this holiday too.


  • (Member)
Hi Sue

I went to the States last Sept, I would opt for Smart/Casual and comfy,on my tour lots of travelling,on and off coach,walking.1 bag for day time that you can fit you bits in, purse, camera,drink etc. hope you have fun...

Hi Sue

I also went on this holiday last September and found that I needed warmer clothes for San Francisco it was just like out early spring with sun but a little chilly down on the water front. Things did not really warm up until just north of LA. You will need to either take a fold up holdall or buy one there because everything is so cheap and you are aloud to bring 2 cases back on the flight from USA to England (do check that this still applies) I bought a holdall out there because I did not know about the extra luggage. Did the helicopter flight over the Grand Canon which was breath taking and also rode the cable car in San Francisco very exhilarating. Have a wonderful time.


Hi Sue.

I've also booked for the May tour....the 20th. Is yours the same or have you chosen the exotic Hawaii departure on the 6th?


Sue J
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Barbara

I am flying from Manchester to Chicago and then on to San Francisco, how about you? Is this your first time too? Can't believe it's only three weeks to go!

Look forward to meeting you.


Sue J
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy and Christine

Thanks for your advice. I don't understand why you can only take one piece of luggage out but bring two back though!

Any tips on bargains to buy?


Hi Sue

I am not sure why you are able to bring extra luggage back, I can only think that they are encouraging people to spend more dollars.

I bought back mostly clothing, ie Timberland boots which only cost me 14$ and they are around £30 to £40 in UK, also jeans which is to be exspected but everything is so much cheaper in USA.


Sue, I'm flying from Heathrow direct to SF altho will have to change on the way back.

I've been on a few JY hols before & they've all been thoroughly enjoyable. The North American trips, particularly, seem to attract a wide age range but this gives you the chance to meet interesting peolple from all walks of life and remember everyone on the tour will have handed over their hard earned cash wanting to enjoy their holiday.

Let's see, only 2.5 weks to go. Now what to pacK? The weather in SF could be cool but in LA hot....decisons, desicions!!!!


Lisa Kettleband
Hi Sue

I will be travelling on the Golden West Tour with Barbara on May the 20th I am flying from Manchester via Chicago - will have to look out for each other.

See you soon.


Sue J
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lisa

Will be looking out for you at Manchester next Sunday - only a week to go! Look forward to meeting you.



Hi Sue & Lisa,

Only a few days now..........& still there is nothing packed in my suitcase!

Have a safe & smooth flight. See you both on Sunday in SF.
