  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi my names Sharon Im 33 and im off to Barcelonia/Catalonia on June 7th,I cant wait! I was going to go from Birmingham airport but its been changed to Gatwick instead.Anyone else out there doing this trip and anyone also at the gatwick hotel pre get togher the night before? Looking forward from hearing from you. Sharon x
Mrs N
  • (Member)
HI Sharon

I did the same trip at the end of April and did the pre-holiday get together at Gatwick. Best thing I ever did. At least that way you are accompanied to the airport and you don't have to seek out the other travellers. If you have the same tour manager as we did, Sue, she is marvelous and makes everyone feel right at home.

Re the holiday, it was fantastic and I made lots of new friends, particularly 4 of which I am in touch with. You won't regret it.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello there Marie! Thanks for your reply.Ive been wanting to go on this hoilday since April last year so I cant wait to go.Sue the tour manager you had sounds nice so I hope she will be at my hoilday. I agree that stay overs are a good thingIive done one before with Just you and find its less stressfull. sharon x
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Maria,Thank you for the reply! You have put my mind at rest knowing that done the same trip as I will be doing,and that you really enjoyed it.Its good to hear your views.Once again ...Many thanks! sharon xx
  • (Member)
Hi Sharon,

You me and Jenny on the coach from Gatwick, hope you did not have to wait too long for your taxi, it was a good holiday and we all seemed to have a great time. Having read about Gaudi in Barcelona it was wonderful to see his work. you never know we may meet again in another place.


Hello Mary,Sorry I ve took long to reply as I have not logged on to this page for some time.I got my taxi fine as they was at the couch station when I got back.I am hoping to go to Russia next year.Yes it was a great hoilday and everyone was pleasent and freindly. Thank you for your message and it would be good to meet up one day at anther place! All the best,sharon x