  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Tips are a way of life and you will need small denomination Egyptian pounds. There are few places to change money, so its best to take currency with you. Sterling and dollars are accepted as well as Egyptian pounds. Brush up your haggling skills, it’s expected!

Take a small torch if you are going to the Son et Lumiere Shows at Karnak and Philae temples and an alarm clock is useful. Carry tissues or loo paper on excursions. Only drink bottled water and use to clean your teeth. Be wary of uncooked, washed food, ice cream and ice in drinks once ashore and take a supply of Immodium just in case. Also take lightweight walking shoes, sun lotion - minimum factor 15, sunglasses, sun hat, insect repellent and antihistamine cream in case you get bitten.

I have just returned from the Pyramids and Nile Cruise. Fantastic. Before I travelled, I was hearing different stories about dress codes for ladies, so I covered all eventualities and took far too much luggage. Egypt is very hot so for your own protection agaist the blazing sun, loose linen type clothes are best, but at the sites it is accepable to wear shorts and tee-shirts. Vest tops were OK but I carried a shirt to cover up from the heat and sometimes leering locals. It is not advisable to wear clothing thar is too revealing if you do not want local attention. Cruise ship dress code, anything goes during daytime, and dressing for evening dinner was quite relaxed, though no shorts, and gents to wear long trousers, Hope this is helpful.
  • (Member)
I went to Egypt in March 2006 and had been advised to take US dollars. However, I found this was not necessary as the traders preferred Sterling or E pounds. I'm also going on the Nile Cruise, May 15th, is that the same one as you? Will Credit Cards be acceptable on the boat? How about paying for excursions by CC, if we have to take cash for everything will security be a problem? Does anyone know?
I took the trip last year, I fould that a small amount of Egyptian Pounds was useful,(in small denomiations), for buying in the cafes and local shopping. But everyone will accept GB Pounds. When paying for your excursions, I totted up the ones I wanted to do as they were listed on the excusion sheet which was in priced in dollars and took the exact amount of dollars I needed. The rest of the time I managed very well with GB Pounds. Hope this is of use.
Hi Gail

I went to Egypt in 2005 and on the subject of money, you will find that the notes are very dirty there so I would take with you a small bottle of Anti-Bacterial Hand lotion from the chemist there are a few different brands but if you use it after handling money it may prevent you getting a stomach bug better safe than sorry. Also you will find lots of beggers but don't be put off you will soon learn to walk past and ignore them if you give to one then you will be surrounded by many more so just don't make eye contact with them and keep walking. I was spell bound by all that I saw and I am sure you will be too. Have a lovely time.


Cheryl- your editor
Hi everyoneI’m really pleased to see so much practical advise is being posted on Your Community.There seems to be common questions about currency and paying for excursions so I hope you find the following information helpful:Booking Excursions for the Nile Cruise Excursions can be booked with your Tour Manager whilst you are on holiday. Payment needs to be in cash, either Sterling or Egyptian pounds. We regret we are unable to accept payment by credit card or travellers cheque, unless otherwise stated. General Information re currency in EgyptTipping Guide for EgyptGuides: US$ 2.00 per person per day.Cruise Staff: US$10.00 per person to be divided between all staff.Driver on excursions:£0.30 pence (EG£2.00) per person.Boat Trips: £0.30 pence (EG£2.00) per person.Hotel Staff: £0.90 pence (EG£6.00) per person.Of course this is just a guide and is at your discretion - Your Tour Manager can collect this at the beginning of the holiday and distribute accordinglyCurrencyThe local currency is Egyptian Pounds (E£) which is divided into 100 Piastres. Most shops are happy to accept Sterling or US$. Credit cards are not widely accepted but are OK to cover extra charges in hotels and on board the boat.Exchanging MoneyHotels and Egyptian banks will not exchange travellers cheques as they take 4-5 days to clear. However, Thomas Cook shops in Cairo, Aswan and Luxor will change traveller’s chequesIt is better to exchange money upon arrival into Egypt since their rate is more favourable.At present it is impossible to obtain US$ in Egypt, it’s therefore advisable to obtain these prior to leaving the UK. TipsTake some Egyptian £1.00 notes to pay for toilets If you do change your money into Egyptian pounds, ask for E£10 notes only. The E£20 notes look very similar to the 50piastres notes and some market traders may take advantage of this.Most market traders won’t give change. They will instead try to sell you additional item so try to ensure the correct amount is given.It’s advisable not to put your hands near your mouth after handling the Egyptian notes as they can be rather dirtyHope this helpsRegardsCheryl, your editor
  • (Member)
i too have booked for Egypt with a lady i actually met in Croatia,with just you, i,m sure it will be fantastic,anyone else going on this holiday May13th,08.We are travelling down on the national express, see you there Sal x