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(Member) (Topic Starter)
just returned from my first time with J.U. Everyone so friendly,The group were all interesting and ages were so varied,Andy from Scotland was going but never met him,must have run out of time,thankyou to all you lovely people who made my weekend so special.Cant wait for my next holiday with just you
hello janef and anyone else who went on this weekend at Peterborough Marriott this is the Scottish lady fron the Edinburgh area. I enjoyed the weekend also it was very interesting I have made some lovely friends some of which I gave my e.mail to, I really hope to hear from anyone who attended this venue I have already heard back from 2 lovely ladies and hope to keep in touch with. I cannot finish without congratulating "Min" (Maria) who was our host rep for this trip what a wonderful lady she is worth her weight in gold and in my opinion went above and beyond the call of duty, hope all the reps are as hard working/caring as she is also hope Just You realise what a wee diamond they have got there? So come on get typing away all of you and let me hear what everyones thoughts/feelings are. Much love isabella/scotland x
Hi JaneF.

I am sorry we never got the chance to meet, However that was more my fault, As in the end, I did not attend due to unforseen circumstances. Another time perhaps!. I am however away this coming Christmas

Good Luck in your travels, And I had no doubt, that you would not enjoy your Discovery weekend. As JustYou do tend to do things extremely well and professionally. Hopefully despite me having already been on 4 trips with Just You, Perhaps next Year I will make a Discovery weekend.

Good Luck Andy

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Andy,Thanks for replying I was begining you did not exsist or perhaps i had ignored someone. It was wonderfull weekend,it is a long time since I let my hair down.hope you have good christmas,I have promised myself to my Daughter for christmas,but hopefully I will make it for new year celebrations with J.U.perhaps our paths will cross,who knows.
Hi JaneF. No you never missed me. I will however do a discovery weekend sometime in the future. But I have been on 5 Just You Holidays in the past 2 years. If you need any recommendations for a short break or holiday, I can thouroughly recommend Walking In The Ahr Valley, which is very good for a first time holiday, Although it is classed as a Walking holiday, you do not need to be super fit. But Have you anything in Mind?. The thing i found with going through the brochures, Is after reading about all the various places, You want to visit them all, As they appear to me so nice.

Like I said I am off to Austria Christmas, And will then be heading back to The Ahr Valley around April time.


janice-ashford-south shields
Hi Isabella and anyone else who went on Peterborough weekend. I had a wonderful weekend - the company, the food, the rep, the hotel were all excellent! It was a shock coming home. I'm sorry I didn't get more people's contact details - I'd really intended to but then missed people right at the end. If anyone wants to get in touch please do so through this message board. I'd love to hear from more of you. Maybe I'll see some of you again at another weekend?

Thanks again to everyone for making it such a special weekend.

Janice xx