chris lockett
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have booked to go to Leicester on 19th October. This will be my first try at a holiday on my own and its a bit daunting. Is anyone else going on that date? Do I need a posh frock for the dinner dance (I'll have to find a right foot from somewhere as I've only got 2 left ones at the moment!)?

Chris(tine) Lockett

  • (Member)
Hi Chris

Well your post has just caught my eye!

I actually live in Leicester and although I've already booked for China next year, I'm thinking this may be a good introduction (and a bit nearer to home than China! he-he).

Mind you, I do seem to be having trouble looking at the details - every time I click on the link to it, it takes me back to the main page! Maybe I'll just have to ring up . . .

I assume this will be your first outing with Just You too?


  • (Member)
Hiya again

Well trust me - left it too late and now it's fully booked!

Oh well, another time perhaps.


chris lockett
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Gail

Sorry I've taken so long to reply I've been away till yesterday. Sorry you were too late to book Leicester, at least I know someone else is going!. I'm sure you'll have a lovely time in China. I've never been on one of these holidays before but I'm thinking of going for New England next year. Hope to meet up with you sometime.
