(Member) (Topic Starter)
Yesterday was the second anniversary of the death of my wife. It has been four years since I have been on a holiday but today I bit the bullet and booked with Just You. Well actually tried to book as apparently I have only achieved a provisional booking and have to wait for further contact to sort out some details. Not quite what I had hoped for as just booking brings on survivor guilt pangs. Still managed to get my hair cut today for the first time in five years so with a bit of luck I will end up going?
  • (Member)
Hi Graeme

Well done on taking your first step. I was widowed almost 2 years ago, and understand your mixed emotions. I took my first holiday in September and had a fantastic time, I did activties I had never done before, and feel really proud of myself now. I have booked a New Year break and are making plans for a holiday in 2011, I'm sure you will get the odd sad moment as I did, but you will get through it. It's true as other messages have said once you check in and meet up with your new friends, you'll wonder why you worried so much. So good luck with your holiday, and enjoy your new experiences. You deserve it.


Hi Graeme,

Well what can I say? Been there, done that, know the feeling BUT you have taken the first step and will never look back.

My first Just You trip was Xmas 2007 - I met 2 new JY friends and am going on my 4th Just You Xmas trip this year with those friends I met on that first trip.

I have been on other Just You holidays in between of course - seen some great places, met some smashing people and I still meet up with some of them. The Tour Managers are fantastic and I guarantee you will have a really good time.

So good luck - I know you will enjoy yourself so don't look forward with mixed emotions. You deserve to be happy - go for it!!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,
