(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I have booked to go to South Africa at the beginning of October. Does anyone know if Malaria tablets are needed for any part of the trip. I have checked with my Doctor and looked at the world health website but haven't been able to get an answer from any of them as it depends on what national parks are visited. Any information or tips regarding this trip would be most welcome from previous travellers. Thanks - Wendy
Cheryl- your editor
Hi Wendy

Thank you for your message

Vaccinations ……..

There are no vaccinations required by UK residents for

entry into South Africa. It is strongly recommended,

however, that you consult your doctor regarding malaria,

cholera, typhoid, polio, hepatitis and yellow fever.

For a free leaflet:

health advice for travelers call 0800 555777 (free phone).

Call the Masta helpline for more information: 0906 8 224 100.

Calls are 50p a minute. You will be sent a health brief for your

itinerary if you give them your name address and journey details.

Hope this helps a little, if I can help you further please let me know.

Cheryl, your editor

HI wendy I have booked on this too. The recommendation from the clinic I contacted was: booster diptheria, tetnus and polio, also have had typhiod and hep A, the malaria tablets will only be needed while in swaziland. Hope this helps, look forward to meeting you on 4th


Hi Sue,

My last message seems to have been edited by JY for some reason. I had given you the link to a very good public website where you could get the info you need. I am not sure why JY printed my message at all if they were going to omit the link. Hope you have since got sorted.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to all for your replies. I look forward to meeting you Sue. Are you staying at the hotel the night before or are you travelling direct to the airport.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for the replies. I am looking forward to meeting you Sue. Are you travelling direct to the airport or staying overnight. I am getting the train down from Liverpool so hopefully will meet up with everyone in the BA Lounge. Getting really excited now, but a little nervous. - Wendy