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I'm going on the Christmas holiday to Boston & New York and wondered who might be joining me. I've been on several Just You holidays and they've all been fantastic but this is my first time away at Christmas so I'm a little nervous - hope it won't feel too strange. I'd love to hear from anyone who is also going - it's always nice to be able to say hello to people at the airport and get the holiday off to a good start!


Hi Maria

I've just booked this holiday. I've been on singles before too, but like you was a bit nervous about booking for the holiday season. I asked the sales person loads of questions and there are 26 people booked already, most are in their 40s, 50s and 60s (which makes me in the middle!)but a couple of 30 somethings as well. I've checked out the hotels websites and they look great. As you can see I like to do a bit of research, but now I've taken the plunge I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure we'll all have a fantastic time.

See you then


  • (Member)
Hi This is my first singles holiday too and I also did lots of research before booking. There appear to be quite a few people on the trip and although it is quite daunting I am sure it will be great fun - well thats what I keep telling myself.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Christine and Wendy

Lovely to hear from you. I'm sure we'll have a great time - as you say the hotels look really nice. I've been to New York before and can't wait to go back but Boston will be new to me. It'll all be so pretty decorated for christmas - i'm feeling quite excited already!

Look forward to meeting you at the airport!
