  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, after 2 years of wimping out, I have finally plucked up the courage and booked myself on my first Just You holiday. I did a deal with my Mum that if I booked a holiday, she would learn to send a text message - the things you do to encourage your parents to embrace modern technology!! She has kept up her end of the bargain, so I'm hoping to do her proud by having a wonderful holiday. I'm going to Annecy on 26th August. Just wondered if anyone has been there before and can let me know how the trip went, or indeed if any of my fellow travellers are around. I'm picking up the coach in Cheshire.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Looks like it will be Just Me onthis Just You holiday!!
Cheryl- your editor
Hi Sheila

I have just looked at the bookings for the Lake Annecy tour and you’re not on your own.

And anyway a daels a deal and if your mum has stock to her end of the bargain then you go and have a fantastic time.

Would be lovely to here from you on your return

Cheryl, your editor

P.S My mum still carn't Text