Laney 76
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So i have checked the website....and i have looked through the i just need to take that step ....but it is such a big step to take!! what if i have nothing in common with the people im with? what if i feel really lonely? Im in my early 30's and although i am early on in a relationship i feel that i need to do something and see something for me. Do something that i want to do. Probably like a lot people my circumstances have changed drastically in the few years and since that i have this urge to see more of life... im currently organising my life in pictures, so im taking photos of everything that goes on around me....I am really inspired with the Delights of Borneo holiday (maybe June or Sept 08) it looks fantastic - the price also includes all meals so im hoping that means that i wont be eating alone? One of my downfalls is that i can be so shy around people, it can take me a while to relax, until i get to know them... as much as i get excited at the thought of it, i feel so scared as well!! Im worried i will chicken out on the day i leave for the airport ..!
Mrs N
  • (Member)
Honestly once you do a single travellers holiday you can't wait to book more. I've already done 2 this year - I could have 'chickened out' even before I got to the airport on my first holiday, but I had no where to hide for a week!! Just go for it girl - you'll not regret it. Best thing I've ever done.

No-one is left to eat on their own. With groups of around 20ish you are bound to 'make friends'.

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You go for it is what I would say, I have been on Bost,New England,New York, tour FANTASTIC and Poland and Tatra Mountains, BEAUTIFUL.

You will straight away have some thing in common with every one you have all picked the same holiday, for variouse reasons so thats a fantastic conversation opener I think.

You do bond with people so quickley so dont worry,some you will like more than others but that's being human. I try and move around on the coach or meals so you are not always sitting with the same people this I find interesting. In USA meals where not all included so we eat out quite a bit with little groups like who fancys pizza, Mcdonalds, sit down meal etc...

Poland meals were included at the hotels at the end of the day, 1 hotel we sat wherever we wanted, the other hotel where we sat the 1st night we sat in same seats for the stay.

Do not worry you will not be left on your own for hours and hours at a time unless this is what you want. Some people are very happy doing a day tour, eating and then going to there room to relax and there is nothing wrong in that, others want company from breakfast time till there head hits the pillow, every one is different.

I shall be booking more tours with this company I feel very safe and secure with them. I do hope you book your trip up I think the Borneo one is very popular, from what I have heard...Have Fun!!

I do have a Husband, but he does not have as much free time or want excursion trips when he goes away I am 47.

  • (Member)
Hi Rachel

I know exactly how you feel. I got my first brochure over a year ago and kept looking at it almost plucking up the nerve but not quite until August this year when I finally booked to go to China in October. I’ve always wanted to go but thought I never would especially on my own. It was the best decision I’ve ever made and I never felt lonely. I had a fantastic time and everyone was really friendly and in exactly the same boat. I’m 32 and was the youngest on the holiday by far but it didn’t matter because we were all there for the same reason. To go on holiday and be looked after and not have to worry about anything was great. To answer one of your questions we all ate together and everyone got on really well. My advice is don’t hesitate to book because you’ll have a fantastic time. I also went on the pre-holiday get together so if you can do that it’s a great ice-breaker as well. I’ve already booked my next holiday going to America in April and I can’t wait.

All the best and happy holidays.


  • (Member)
Hi Rachel

I have just returned from my first Just You holiday and I had a wonderful time.

I am often rather quiet around new people but I found that the pre tour get together helped put my mind at ease and I knew very quickly that I would have a great time.

There were lots of "first timers" on my trip and a lot of us had the same reservations before going - ie will there be people my age there, will people like me etc. All I can say is to be open and friendly and you'll be surprised at how many friends you'll make and how much fun you'll have.

Best wishes
