(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well here we go again, you meet someone on holiday 4 years ago and you just can't get rid of them(joke joke).We are off again ,perhaps some of our old friends like Sharon and Eileen would like to meet up too!!!!2010 here we come again , after our successful holiday in Austria we cannot resist meeting up once again.
Hi, Rosemary & Cindy,

So you're off on a safari,are you? Hopefully you will not be eaten by a lion! I'm 'game' (get it?) for another reunion holiday in the future but safaris are not my thing. Currently, I'm tempted by China or Bulgaria but will have to find out more about these trips.


  • (Member)
Sharon....well I cant let the old GIRL go on here own she will get lost...

Rosemary ..Its such a long way off...lets hope it comes off and we are both fit and healthy still by Sept 2010...LOL...

Sharon there is plenty of time for you to change your mind, we would love to have you onboard with us again,you never know one day we might make it, if you ever fancy anything let us know and see what we are up to.. WELL THATS IF YOU WANT US WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Cindy xxxx

Dear Cindy,

Are you now employed by Just You to write for their brochures? I noticed two of your comments in their latest mailing - next they'll be asking you to be a tour rep! Rosemary's been rather (uncharacteristically) quiet lately - perhaps she's dreaming of her next trip.


  • (Member)

Well you know me I do like to talk and put my words into print..LOL...maybe I could do a holiday fact sheet with good and bad etc on for each holiday, they could pay me the minimum wage I wouldnt mind..!!How's the BOY doing these day's.xx


  • (Member)
Well thats it I am all booked on the Safari holiday for Sept 2010..now have all that time to think what does one pack for that holiday ..

Cindy x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello friends

Just having a rest from the old computer

but can see various comments being made so I thought I better re-surface.Hello Sharon hope all is well with the family and hello to Cindy star of "JY" brochure.I've got nothing under my belt at the moment unless of course my request to stand on the plinth is accepted,then skys the limit GMTV and all over the world.I can imagine Sharon saying what's the plinth.Well you will have to find out.

If we could perhaps arrange a cheapy with Kathleen this year ??? even perhaps a 4 days cos thats enough with each other ?? Let me know.

Or even early next year I think she really wants to be with the gang.

Regards your holiday friend. Rosemary

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cindy who are you going on safari with ??
  • (Member)

answer to your question is I am going on SAFARI with a very nice lady, who likes to wear lipstick...any clue there then??

Don't know about a cheap short break away as well, as the Safari is a fair price, also other LADY I go away with 2 USA JY trip, might want my company!! but then again might not so shall have to wait and see.

Cindy xx (JY roving reporter LOL)

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Girls

Long time no see . hope you are both well can't wait for the Big Game Drive also I have to get across the Rockies first in Canada (November) remember ??? Not tham I'm showing off. Love the photos u sent Cindy, I hope Sharon u have purchased the RR and that it works for u ?? Nothing special to report ,I have booked Blackpool for my Keep Fit week in 2010 just in case I forgot to tell you.

Anyway take care . Keep the messages coming in we need to remain at the top?? don't we ??

Love Rosemary x x

  • (Member)
Sharon... Have you thought any more about China or Bulgaria?? Hows your fluent Russian coming along??

Rosemary... I cant quite beleive we have booked this holiday so much in advance I WANT IT NOW. So you have the Rockies to go I bet that will be FAB, and the keep fit holiday, you can enjoy that I am sure, I do not want to BUDDY up on that trip OK.. I am more of a coffee and cake girl. I will check with my Doc's in due course about if we need jabs or tablets for Africa. and I must take huge amount of Mossy spray as I get allergic reactions to them bites..

Sharon: How's the RAF boy doing and your girly girls???? Scott unemployed, Myla Rose getting bigger by the day, who needs weight training when I have here around.

Have booked to go away with HUBBY Late Sept to Gran Caneria, get some late summer sun...


Hi Cindy & Rosemary,

I've put both Bulgaria or China on hold for the time being. I'm having a new carpet instead!!! I will wait and see how the money goes and perhaps will book something later next year. I am still learning Russian and am, apparently, about to move on to intermediate level.

I hope you have a good time in the Rockies and Gran Caneria. I am looking forward to my break in Devon with my mum and aunt in September. We usually have a good time because they are both quite youthful in outlook and like eating alot (like me). Slimming World is going badly awry at the moment and I have lost my book and card (they want to charge me £10 for a replacement)so I might leave for a while and re-join after my holiday.

George is still doing his training and has recovered from injury but it seems to be taking forever. The girls flit in and out occasionally - they usually make an appearance if they need money or a lift somewhere. Apart from that the cat and I live peaceful lives interspersed with a rare day on the beach (weather permitting)and watching cricket. (The cat is becoming quite knowlegeable)!


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sharon

I did try to reply but there have been probs hope by now you had a lovely holiday,and look forward to seeing a pic of the new carpet.You must get yourself on F/book.Cindy is already worrying about the luggage situation, I said you've got another year yet.and I thi nk she is also reverting back to teenageism cos I think she thinks she is working at "The Bunny Club " in London she keeps dressing up like one ?? I really don't know what I'm letting myself in for. I thought she was my carer but I think me wrong. Anyway Sharon hope family all well and that the car is safe outside the front door. Look forward to seeing you soon,but be before 2012 cos that's when me passport runs out and I don't think I will be renewing it !!!! Take care x x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sharon

I did try to reply but there have been probs hope by now you had a lovely holiday,and look forward to seeing a pic of the new carpet.You must get yourself on F/book.Cindy is already worrying about the luggage situation, I said you've got another year yet.and I thi nk she is also reverting back to teenageism cos I think she thinks she is working at "The Bunny Club " in London she keeps dressing up like one ?? I really don't know what I'm letting myself in for. I thought she was my carer but I think me wrong. Anyway Sharon hope family all well and that the car is safe outside the front door. Look forward to seeing you soon,but be before 2012 cos that's when me passport runs out and I don't think I will be renewing it !!!! Take care x x x

  • (Member)

NEW CARPET how how posh is that, hope you are pleased with it and the kids treat it with respect,had to renew our living room carpet the other year the KIDS got hot wax on it?? but that's another story. So Russian is at intermediate level, you will be the Teacher soon, you are brave doing a lanquage at YOUR AGE!!!. Thanks for the pstcard, how was the holiday with Mum and Aunty ,less trouble than Me and Rosemary I would hope.Re:Slimming World what are you and Rosemary like, there are far to many cakes to sample in this world, to worry about weight.!!!CRICKET!!! you do really need to get out more Sharon, unless you have your eye on a Man in his whites. Glad the kids are OK. How's your job situation you safe at the moment. I know so many people who have found them self out of work. Love


  • (Member)

Were you so exited you had to post that message twice.. OMG the BUNNY picture do you HAVE to tell everyone about it..so funny.. Don't you worry your little cotton socks CINDY will look after you on Safari. PHEW if your passport runs out 2012 does this mean you will stop stalking me..JOKING..love you really.


  • (Member)
Hi to one and all

Cant have us going to far down the boards can we..

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Girls

Cindy you must have read my mind.

Sharon hope you received my email ok.

Not long now and I am off to The Rockies 2 weeks can't wait as I have had no Summer Holiday.

Thought I might have a trip to Sardinia or Tuscany in May 2010.

I received a brochure from Ian but I am not into Prague/Czech otherwise I may have give it a go.

Anyway Take Care my friends keep well and I will be in touch soon.

From your dedicated JY Traveller

Rosemary x x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well the New Year is upon us and me and Cindy are looking forward to our Safari Experience,in Sept/Oct. Hello Sharon hope all is well with you ?? The last holiday I had was November(it seems ages ago) I went off with Travelsphere with my daughter to the Canadian Rockies.absolutely amazing,loved it,and lots of snow and elks and welcoming from the Canadians.Lake Louise in the snow was the ultimate. Anyway Happy New Year to all at JY and to all the nice people/friends I have met on my JY travels . regards Rosemary x x
Dear Rosemary and Cindy,

I hope you had a good Christmas. How many holidays do you have a year, Rosemary? You just can't stop travelling and spreading your charm all over the world. I hope you both enjoy the safari. How are the boys and granddaughter, Cindy? I am trying to work out how I can get more money and hence have more holidays but haven't thought of anything yet. My Russian teacher is keen to send me to Russia to practise the language but the flight alone is at least £350. Still, I am looking forward to my holiday in Scotland with Mum and Aunty!!!!!!
