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Is anyone going to Sicily on 6 October? Early flight from Gatwick?
Hi Chrissie

Yes I am going to Sicily on 6th October. You put your message on months ago, but I have only just recently booked it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jennie - really pleased to hear from someone else as I was beginning to think I was going on my own! Looking forward to it very much - think it's 10 weeks away.
Hi Chrissie

No its alright you are not going on your own. There's at least two of us! Its nice to be in contact with someone before you go. Have you done Just You holidays before. I've done quite a few.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jennie, I replied to your message a couple of days ago but it hasn't shown up so will repeat! I've been on one Just You holiday before - to Prague, Vienna and Budapest last year - which I really enjoyed. Which trips have you done.


Hi Chrissie

Yes I've been on quite a few trips with Just You. Been to Canada and Alaska, South Africa, Argentina & Brazil. They have all been great holidays and I've always had a great time. Sicily does look very interesting and I'm looking forward to going up Mt Etna.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello again Jennie, once again replied to your message a few days ago but it hasn't appeared! Will try again. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing Palermo and the temples but won't be going up Mount Etna - did Vesuvius in 1989 and feel that one volcano was enough for me!
Hi Chrissie

I wonder where your messages keep disappearing to? Mine seem to go straight on. Yes all the temples etc look very interesting. I've done Vesuvius as well which was great but I quite fancy going up a more lively volcanoe! I quite like to do adventurous things when I'm on my holidays.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Morning Jennie - don't know what happens to my messages - maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Did you happen to see the series about The Normans? If so, you'll have seen the wonderful footage on Palermo and Monreale - magnificent. Scenery looks as good as I expected too.

Looking forward to it even more now!

Hi Chrissie

No I missed that programme. I'll have to look out for it in case they show it again. I did look up the hotel on the internet which looks ok and also the weather which is currently in the 30s so its quite hot at the moment. I expect it will be a bit cooler by the time we go, but some sunshine will be nice, especially looking out at the pouring rain today.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jennie, it was a great programme - unfortunately I think it was repeated last night but am sure, knowing the BBC, it will be repeated again. As regards weather, my guidebook states that the temp is around 30 for six months of the year! I'm going in Oct in the hope it will be cooler too. We're not suffering the rain up here - warm and sunny this week!
Hi Chrissie

Yes I will look out for that programme there's bound to be a repeat somewhere. Yes I was hoping it would be a little bit cooler. I'm not too keen on hot weather. The weather we are having now is lovely - just the right temperature. Whereabouts do you live? I live in Gloucestershire and will probably get a taxi to the airport as its one of those early morning flights.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello again Jennie - good news, temp in Sicily has dropped below 30 and is now forecast 27-ish for the next five days so fingers crossed it may drop to around 25 which will be about right for me. Have had my hair cropped today in preparation for the heat. I live in Scarborough so used to cool breezes. I'm travelling down on the Tuesday and staying overnight at Gatwick as it's such an early start. Not long to go now and am starting to get excited about it.
Hi Chrissie

Yes its not long to go now - just 3 weeks. It soon comes round. I've booked my taxi so only need to work out what I am taking and how many euros to take. The temp still looks quite warm so it will be mostly light summery clothes with something a bit warmer for when I do the trip up Etna if this goes ahead.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jennie, only 2 weeks to go now. Agree with you about deciding how many Euros to take. Am sure there'll be lots of pottery to buy which is always too good in Italy for me to resist. I see the 5 day forecast for this week is a bit wet but temp has dropped to a more manageable level. Lots of time for weather to pick up though. We've just had a nice weekend in Norfolk - good weather on east coast!
Hi Chrissie

Yes its only two weeks to go now. I've just got all the info today from Just You. Yes the temp seems to have dropped to a better temperature but it looks showery. I've been looking at the BBC weather and it looks like that southern part of Italy has been getting quite a bit of rain. Pottery is very nice but heavy to carry home in your suitcase! I'm terrible for buying things on holiday but I shall try not to buy too much this time!


Hi Chrissie and Jennie

There are at least 3 of us going to Sicily now! I'm a Just You virgin also.

I live in West Yorks so flying down from Leeds and staying overnight in Gatwick. Really looking forward to it but looking at the weather wish i'd booked for Sept as it seems cooler than average currently and looks like it will be cool on a night must remeber to pack some wrmer clothes! Looking forward to meeting you all.

Alison x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Jennie and Alison - now we are 3! Have also received info from Just You - I was a bit disappointed to find they had changed the hotel and resort from Giardini Naxos and that we're now staying in a hotel on top of a hill! Am sure it will be fine when we get there but would have liked to have been told before this. I too am staying at Gatwick the night before but am travelling down by train from Scarborough. Look forward to meeting up at the airport.


Hi Chrissie and Hello to Alison

So theres 3 of us going now! I'm sure there will be quite a few more. Yes they have changed the hotel. I've looked it up on the internet and it looks ok with 3 different parts to it, lots of steps between each part and a strange lift/train thing you can use to get from one bit to another? I'm sure it will be fine. The weather does seem to be quite a bit cooler now - better be prepared for that. Not long to go now so will look forward to seeing you both.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jennie & Alison - weather in Sicily is improving, temps mid-twenties and sunny! Look forward to meeting you both next week.