  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Anyone else booked in on this holiday?

Someone did respond earlier in the year but I have lost the original thread!

Can you get in touch again and also anyone new who is going. (100 days to go )



  • (Member)
Hi Darren. I didn't respond earlier but I am going on this holiday. I have travelled with Just You a few times but this will be my first trip to Canada. I am getting very excited now! Have you been there before? I am looking forward to meeting up with everyone beforehand in the executive lounge! Best wishes. Fiona.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Fiona,

Its nice to here from someone else who is going. I havnt been to Canada before and I`m really looking forward to it too.

Have done Americas Golden West with Just You and that was outstanding. I`m sure this will be just as good!

Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else at Heathrow.

Cant wait, soon be here.
