  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is second time posting message perhaps I clicked wrong button yesterday! Just wondering who else is going on this holiday and would like to break the ice beforehand.

Decided to pack lots of layers and thermal socks, but feel a bit apprehensive about two day journey on coach, I'm sure someone else out there feels the same, so would like to hear. Best wishes Chris.

  • (Member)
Hi Chrisjuner, not going on the Dolomites hol but on the Lake Annecy hol. Similar situation - I had been wondering about being prepared for 2 day coach journey. Suppose it is just the same as you said, layers and being comfortable - slippers in the hand luggage!!! Have a good holiday.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for replying Oliver, got a feeling from your previous posts that you'll be on my feeder coach as I will be getting on at Kidderminster about 4am ish, that's if I ever get my itinerary! Can't wait for holiday, but beginning to wish I had booked somewhere warmer like Malta as I feel so cold lately, just hope hotel is warm, still got plenty of thermals. Don't know if its ferry or tunnel yet, hope tunnel. Feel bit worried now.Euro's in a poor state as well, oh well never mind sure it'll be fine, just wish someone from my trip would reply and break the ice, hoping for a really good laugh and dying to wear my snow boots. Best wishes Chris. Hope there's plenty of gluhwein.
  • (Member)
Hi Chris, I think you might be right about the coach - we are only a few miles down the road. I did ring JY to see if the tickets etc had been sent out I had expected some post which didnt arrive on time but has now and wondered if tickets were lost in post. I think it will just be dress to be warm and comfortable in the day - like you I hope the hotel will be warm. I have already test driven the snow boots, it gets very slippery where I live when it freezes, they are lovely and warm.

Oliver (Pauline)