  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I have booked this trip and is my first time. Any advice from past travellers, I am aware it will be tiring, touring holidays generally are. Anyone else booked on this tour. So looking forward to it, as well as being nervous. Would love to here from you. x


  • (Member)
Hello Lynn, I've never been on a holiday such as this, but have decided to book this one rather than the American Parks. I too would be interested in hearing from anyone who has done this one, particulaly about a vist to Alcatraz!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Colin, great to hear from you and that you have booked. Will be a great holiday. where you flying from?
Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Lynn,

Did this hoiday in June and you are right its tiring but well worth it. You see so much in a short space of time wish it had been longer.

Highlight for me was Universal Studios in LA but to be honest it was all fantastic.

  • (Member)
Hiya Lynn,

I'll be flying down to Heathrow from Newcastle, otherwise would have meant driving down to Manchester and then driving home after a long flight.Where will you be flying from?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Colin, yeh I'm flying from Heathrow. Maybe we should meet at the airport. We should arrange it beforehand. I am so looking forward to it. Started saving already.
  • (Member)
Hi again Lynn, yes looking forward to it very much. Haven't been to the west coast & there are so many things I am looking forward to seeing. Keep in touch. Colin
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Colin or anyone else going on this trip, If you want to email me, my email address is ***

Editor's note: I'm not allowed to publish personal information such as email addresses but I'll be happy to pass it on if requested.

  • (Member)
Hi Lynn, You'll have to ask the Editor pass on your e-mail address. I'll drop you a line when I get it

regards Colin

hi i'm thinking of doing this tour too! I've never sone anything like this before so i'm a little nervous, but its something i've always wanted to do! I'm 23 and was just wandering if anyone of that age group was thinking of doing this trip? Would appreciate any feedback as think of booking soon!

Thanks Amy

'LynnR' wrote:

Hi, I have booked this trip and is my first time. Any advice from past travellers, I am aware it will be tiring, touring holidays generally are. Anyone else booked on this tour. So looking forward to it, as well as being nervous. Would love to here from you. x


Hi Lynn

I did this trip in September, it was awsome! We all had a great time, it was my first trip on my own and I needn't have worried, everyone is really friendly. It is tiring but worth it, I saw so many great places and had so many highlights, you will have a great time!! I am now going to book my next holiday. x


  • (Member)

Hi Lynn,

I'm booked on this tour.

Take a pair of nice comfortable footwear as there's usually quite a bit of walking, other than that enjoy yourself. :rolleyes:

I find it best to stay overnight at a hotel near the airport so there's no worry about getting caught in traffic on the way to the airport. (Depending on where you live).

Hi there Lynn and Colin

I'm going to!! How exciting is this? I'll be flying from Aberdeen to Heathrow. Its really nice to be able to communicate with fellow travellers beforehand as this is my first rip with JY.

Barbara x

  • (Member)
'amyflower' wrote:

hi i'm thinking of doing this tour too! I've never sone anything like this before so i'm a little nervous, but its something i've always wanted to do! I'm 23 and was just wandering if anyone of that age group was thinking of doing this trip? Would appreciate any feedback as think of booking soon!

Thanks Amy

Hi Amy

Im 28 and going to be booking to go on the 27 June. It's my first time so im a bit nervous but really looking forward to it to.

Let me know what you decide to do.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Barbara, I am a Wirrall lover. Worked in Birkenhead and lived in Ellesmere Port for a year. Wow, cannot wait to meet you. :o)
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey TGRAN always take a pair of flatties with me have to have good walking shoes wherever I go. 🙂 Look forward to meeting you. I live on outskirts of Southampton, so not too much of a prob, will be travelling by coach I expect, nothing confirmed at present.
Hiya, have just booked this trip for 19th Sep - first time travelling with JY and on my own !!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sharon, remember that you are not on your own, you are with the rest of us. My first time too, but cannot wait to meet everyone else. Lynn x
'LynnR' wrote:

Hi, I have booked this trip and is my first time. Any advice from past travellers, I am aware it will be tiring, touring holidays generally are. Anyone else booked on this tour. So looking forward to it, as well as being nervous. Would love to here from you. x


hi lynn

i've just booked this tour and its also my 1st time on singles holiday and USA! so like you i am very nervous. but nothing ventured nothing gained kathy xx

  • (Member)
Hello to all fellow travellers.

Looking forward to meeting you all at the hotel or at the airport on Monday.

The time is passing won't be long now.

