  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is anyone going on the Jordan trip departing Heathrow on March 2nd? Or has anyone laready been and got any hints etc.,
  • (Member)

I did the Jordan trip last September and it was fantastic. This was my first solo holiday with Just You and I had a great time. Jordan is lovely and there is so much to see. I had extended my trip to stay at the Dead Sea Marriott at the end to relax and really enjoyed it. I have no complains about the hotels we stayed in and the food was lovely too. You do not get a chance to spend a lot of time in hotels as there are quite a few excursions included! You will definitely enjoy Jordan.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
You were quite right it was a great holiday our Tour Manager Steve and guide Sami were absolutely the best
  • (Member)
Hi Veron

I am glad you enjoyed Jordan. It is so different, yet a great place.
