  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am taking my first trip with Just You. Staying overnight at Heathrow prior to flight. Would be interested to know who my fellow travellers might be and to have any tips from anyone who has done this trip previously.
  • (Member)
Hi Jemma,

I have also booked this holiday and am flying from Heathrow but its my first holiday with just you.I have been to the States before and found that its such a huge country with very diverse climates that you need to take a little of everything to cover it,so it looks like a big case and strong arms will be needed,see you at Heathrow.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Haven't been to America before - so thanks for the tip. I am originally from Scotland so I know all about being prepared for all seasons - usually in the same day!!

See you at Heathrow.

  • (Member)
Hi again

I have checked a website for the climate in and around Phoenix and Scotsdale and the average max temp was 25c and min 15c for October so we should pack some shorts(and kilts) you never know??

never know

  • (Member)

I too am going on this trip, my first with JY. I am also a Scot but live in London so I am really pleased to know there will be someone else from back home!! See you at Heathrow.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Janne

Two Scottish first-timers with Just You! Look forward to meeting you.

Hi there,

Have just managed to book one of the last two places on this trip and am really looking forward to it. This is my first holiday on my own, and I would love to communicate with my fellow travellers beforehand. I live in London, and will be travelling from Heathrow, but unfortunately will be on a different flight to the main party, leaving 45 minutes earlier. I will however be in the exec lounge beforehand, so looking forward to meeting some of you then.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Elaine

Pleased to hear that you will be joining the trip. Do you live North or South of the Thames? I live South.

I think it will be interesting meeting lots of new people, and as there I am sure there will be a few 'first timers' so we will all of at least one thing in common!

Look forward to meeting you.

Hi there Jemma,

I also live south of the Thames, so it's nice to know there's someone on the trip nearby. Look forward to meeting you too.

  • (Member)
Hi to everyone on this holiday this is my first holiday with JY looking forward to meeting all my travelling companions on this holiday i will be flying from heathrow

best wishes