  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Olly,

More questons Im afraid...

Will my 2 round pin european plugs be ok to use in China? I have read somewhere they use 2 flat pins..will I need a chinese plug?

On the flight will I be provided with neck pillow and eye mask (its a night flight)or do I buy my own to take with me?

Thanks again for having the time to read more questons.


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon

You will need to take an international adaptor as sockets in China can vary from region to region (and even within regions!).

Air China don't offer a neck pillow and eye mask as standard but when I checked they said they should be able to find something for you. You might prefer to buy your own, though, as both are inexpensive and you will be able to choose exactly what you want.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly,

Many thanks once again.Glad I asked about the plugs I had no idea they might vary there.

Will get my own pillow and mask too now.

You have been a great help!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi my name is Eileen. I'm booked onto the China trip on 22nd April. Would love to hear from any other excited/nervous travellers as this is my first 'Just for you' trip away.

Many Thanks


Hi ya Eileen

my names melanie and will be joining you on the 22nd.I am feeling nervous to as it,s my first trip alone!.It seems from what people say that we will have a great time.I have met two people at the gym who travelled with this company, to china and said it was fantastic, good guides, and good quality hotels,and an amazing place. lookforward to meeting you soon

melanie x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Eileen,

Nice to hear from you :-)

Just You trips are fine,Ive been on a few your have a great time!

Im 34(be 35 in China)Im so excited,not been to the Far East before.

Im comming down from Birmingham.


Hi Sharon,

I know this is asked often but as we are the same age ( well I am older, turned 35 in March) what are the mixtures of ages on the Justyou holidays. I note you have done a couple of trips and I am going to America in September 09 and wondered if it is as varied as they say. Regards Harrison

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello :-)

Are you going on the China trip as well,if you dont mind me asking?

To answer your queston with honesty I find the marjority of people over the 60 mark.I went to Belgium and Italy where a more mixed group,ie 40s and 50s but still the majority a older group.

Spain,well I was the youngest,and so was another girl at 36,the rest plus 67! I found been younger on that trip made the people not talk to me as much.Felt abit left out,having said that my favorite was an 80 year old lady,we spent alot of time togther.

Without going on I found on my trips no one as young as me,but they were great and I enjoyed the company on most the trips.The favourite group I went with was to Russia last year,apart from me,the youngest was 58,but the best group Id travelled with.

Id like more 30s and 40s though.

Also always more women then men.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, I won't be doing China this year but if the USA trip goes well I might do another trip next year. I was just nosing around the forum to see what types of people were chatting and noticed your entry. I hope everyone talks to me on my trip 😞 The trouble I find on booking single trips is the younger ones tend to be full of extremely die hard drunken party people. Good for them but I can only probably handle one or two nights now and certainly not every night of the week. I am not yet brave enough to do a full back pack trek on my own so I hoped the just you would be the solution. I will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for responding. Regards Harrison