jane f
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This will be my first time with just you,is there anyone else going on this weekend,would love to here from you.Jane f

Hi Jane, yes, I am going on this weekend away. I also went to the one in St Albans, on 19 September. I decided to do both, as I had not had chance to have a proper holiday this year and I thought it would be good to do two of these to get a really good idea of what they are like. The St Albans one was excellent, helped by great weather and the fact that I met some really interesting people. The format worked well, with drinks, dinner and a disco on both evenings. I think that, for these weekends away, so much depends on the mix of people. I was unsure before I went to St Albans but, once I had arrived, pleased that I had made the effort. Mike
hello eiffel53 - Mike

Hello Janef

My name is Isabella I am coming down from Scotland this Friday to a Discovery Weekend Friday 17.10.08 and Saturday 18.10.08 I have also booked myself in for another night on the Sunday as I do not want to travel back to Scotland on the Sunday after check-out prefering to travel back on Monday 20th instead

is this the same Discovery Weekend that both of you are going to as in the messages it mentioned the 19th? The one I have booked is in the Peterborough Marriot Hotel? I would love to hear back from you or anyone elso going to this event this weekend. Thanks Isabella