  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
As a newly single person in my mid 50s I am thinking of going on the trip to Amsterdam and the bulbfields. I wondered if there is anyone else out there of around about my age going?

Hope to hear from you. Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Julie

I am a 52 year young New Zealander and have just finished a trip to USA with my son who came with me. I am now looking at the rest of 2008/2009 and have booked Christmas in Paris on 23/12/08 and definitely looking at the Bulbfields in Amsterdam in April. I am in the UK for some time - already been here 4 years and doing some travelling.

So you can probably put me down as a definite for 'Clog Country' as have been trying to do this tour for the last 3 years and just haven't been able to get the timing right with my other travel plans.

If interested, get back to me.

Regards - Jenny

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jenny

It was so good to hear from you. I am brand new to this singles life at the age of 54. I am very seriously thinking of going on the bulb trip but was concerned about it being a "Pensioners Coach Party" as a friend of mine went on a trip once where she ended up taking care of an 80 year old! I think this short trip might be just what I need to get me going though. I will let you know if I decide to book and if I do I shall look forward to meeting up with you. I used to work with a New Zealander!

Thanks again. Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have now almost taken the plunge and am provisionally booked to go on this trip on the 17th April. Anybody else out there going?
  • (Member)
Hi Julie

I decided to book yesterday so going on the 17th April tour as that was the only one that picks up here in Northamptonshire. I have been on plenty of coach tours etc. with various companies and even though some of these seem to attract the pensioners, have found them to be very interesting to talk to as most of them are well travelled. I went on a trip to Austria last year and there were 2 ladies probably around late 70's - I tell you what, they were the most fun out of the whole group, what characters - they certainly made my trip a whole lot better, haven't laughed that much in ages!

Julie - if you book, let me know and we could possibly get in touch before or possibly meet depending on whereabouts in the country you are (does anyone know how that is done without posting personal details on this site?) - at least we won't be in the pensioner category....


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jenny

JY are holding a place for me on the 17th April. I just need to make the final decision and I shall do so next week. Chances are that I shall go. If so it would be great to meet up before we go but, like you, I don't know how to do that without posting full details here and that's not ideal. Maybe someone at JY could tell us?

It is going to be a very early start isn't it? At least, it is from Kettering pick up. Never mind, it will all be worth it I'm sure.

Unless JY tell me another way of doing it I'll post a message to you right here when I have finally made up my mind.


  • (Member)
Hi Julie

The company have just sent me your email address so once you have made your mind up and you are definitely going, will contact you. My pick-up point is Kettering too so how funny is that - we can't live far from each other?

Hope to hear from you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi again Jenny

Yes the company have sent me your email address too. So I will email you direct next week. I am pretty sure I shall indecision is all tied up with my daughter's surgery.

Talk to you soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Jenny I have sent you an email direct. I suspect it will have gone into your Junk Mail folder though.


  • (Member)
Hi there Julie, I've found your further messages on the message board. I have also now booked for this short trip to Amsterdam. As I said I'll be leaving from Corby (5 a.m start I'm told!). I see you've exchanged emails addresses with the other lady from Kettering. Just You can pass on my email contact to you also. Hope to hear from you. Isabella
  • (Member)
Hi Julie

Not sure if I got your email but nevertheless I will look forward to hearing from you, hope you can make it. Just reply to my email address (will put you in my safe list).


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Isabella

I have posted a message to Cheryl and asked her to pass me your email address. Once I receive it I will email you directly.

So glad to hear you have decided to go too. I'll look forward to meeting you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Jenny did you get my 2 emails?

Hope to hear from you.


  • (Member)
Hi Julie

No, I haven't got any emails from you. I will message you today and see if that works. Maybe you have been given an incorrect email address as I have not received anything.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm beginning to wonder if anyone else out there is going on this trip! We seem to be the only 3 logged in to this topic. Would anyone else out there like to join in???? I know that the lady at JY said the trip was proving to be very popular so there must be a few others............