  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, Im a bit new to this and have been thinking of traveling alone this year, not sure if its for me or not though! I have seen advertised on this site a week in Turkey, which im kinda intrested in. I would love to speak to people who are in the same boat as me, and hopefully get some ideas, thoughts and tips about a 'lone' holiday!
  • (Member)
Hi Mark,

I have booked on this holiday. First time on my own too. Very nervous but have decided to take the plunge. Maybe see you there if you decided to go too.

Liz F

Hi Liz and Mark,

I went on this holiday on 24th May 2010 and felt the same as you. This was my first holiday on my own.My husband passed away May 2010 and I never thought I would ever enjoy another holiday. We both loved Turkey and had been several times. Very nervous, but as soon as I picked up the phone and spoke to an advisor I realised this was the holiday company to travel with. Had a fabulous time. There were 37 of us on this trip and everyone got on extremely well. Go on as many trips as you can afford, you will not be disappointed. Our tour manager Paul was amazing and I know he is on the October trip. Our guide guide Tanna was unbelievable. Am going back October 18th for another week. Have also booked the reunion break for November and am thinking of going to Germany at Christmas.

You will have a brilliant holiday, Kusadasi is lovely and the hotel is fab. Can't wait for November.

Sorry about the mistake on my previous post. My husband passed away May 12th 2008.

I will add that a lot of the guests on that holiday are now on facebook and we keep in touch all the time. Ages ranged from 29 to 70s.

Sorry about the mistake on my previous post. My husband passed away May 12th 2008.

I will add that a lot of the guests on that holiday are now on facebook and we keep in touch all the time. Ages ranged from 29 to 70s.

Seem to be making so many mistakes just lately. Must be the excitement kicking in. The holiday to Kusadasi is in October not November. Sorry.
Seem to be making so many mistakes just lately. Must be the excitement kicking in. The holiday to Kusadasi is in October not November. Sorry.
Anybody going to Kusadasi on 18th October?