(Member) (Topic Starter)

My name is Renee, and i am conteplating my first JUST YOU holiday, i am feeling a little apprehensive at the moment, and would like to converse with other single travellers, e.g. are there mixed age groups etc? and just general information on travling alone, kind regards,


  • (Member)
hello Renee

i travelled with JY for the first time last year to the USA and loved it...the age range was from 22-80yrs and everyone got on well...i was a bit nervous at first..thinking would i mix well with others..but at the end of the day..we were all singles...and i have made some great new friends and am travelling with them again this year to take the plunge and just do will enjoy it

  • (Member)
Hello Renee

I have been on many JY holidays, and they have all been great. The age range can be very varied, from 25-85 but every one mixes in so very well. Age really does not matter, some of the older ones amaze me by how fit and healthy they can be compared to me!!! I would say most of the group if around 55-70, ladies seem to out number the men, if you pick a holiday that really has an interest to you then you will have something in common with that group of people, as we all pick a destination for a reason. It really does not take long at all for people to become very comfortable within the group. If you would like to be left alone then that is fine as well, you do not have to do anything you do not feel happy with. I am due to go on safari this year with a lady I met a few years ago on Poland tour. I hope you book a trip with JY


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

Thanks for the reply, sorry I am late with my reply, but I am just getting familiar with the site, the whole concept of the holidays seem very good, I suppose unless I just go for it, I will always feel anxious about going on my own, hope you enjoy your next holiday, I will look forward to my first Regards Renee

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Deb.

Thank you for your reassuring information, I have been thinking long and hard about a JU holiday, I am a senior citizen, on my own,I have had anxiety about taking a holiday on my own. but J.U. holidays seem the answer, I have got reassurance I think to enable me to take the plunge this year, I hope you enjoy your next holiday, i will look forward to mine.

Regards Renee

  • (Member)
Hello Renee,

The others who replied to you seem to have covered most points but I would just add that I took my first trip with Just You last year. I, too, belong to the older brigade, and it was my first trip abroad for over 40 years. (My late wife would not fly and I don't like boats.) I opted for a holiday within Europe and, once getting over the initial apprehension, had a marvellous time.

I suggest that perhaps you look for a not too distant trip as a first timer.

As the others said, the age range is very wide and varied from 26 to 80+ when I went. All got on exceedingly well and some firm friendships were made. I am off to Austria this year and really looking forward to it.

Go for it! You'll have a great time.
