(Member) (Topic Starter)

The Autumn is here and our thoughts are turning to Xmas. Our tour manager for this trip is Erica - so she will have the shopping gene no doubt. I have asked Olly to tell her to order the snow for us - we expect it. Xmas isn't Xmas without snow. So the obvious question is - who else is going on the trip?

Be happy, best wishes,


Hi Lesley,

I wish I was going on this trip, As I am a big fan of Germany and Austria. I have been away the past two Christmases. I had a look at the brochure, And Festive Germany sounds wonderful. Unfortunately work commitments will keep me on these shores this year. But next year definately. I look forward to hearing from you, with some feed back on this trip.

Only 74 days left until Christmas, Have a great trip


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Andy,

What a pity you will not be joining us on this trip. I know you would have enjoyed it. Perhaps next year then. If the scenery is anything like the Ahr Valley it will be stunning. I will certainly let you know what it is like. I am looking forward to visiting a new location and meeting new JY friends. Keep your finger crossed that we get some snow.

Be happy, best wishes.
