  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to everyone. Happy Christmas to old friends and new. My name is Penny Jones and I have been a tour manager with Just You since 2004. I have now accompanied many of the tours and would be happy to answer any questions that you have. The tours that I know well are Egypt, Jordan, Australia, New Orleans with a caribbean cruise, Namibia, and Thailand. Also, all of the Just You tours to France.

The reason that I enjoy working for Just You is because of the quality of the product and the wonderful people that I meet. Do hope to see you all in 2009.

  • (Member)
Penny who would have been the round the world trip tour guide for nov just there any feedback on how it went
Hello Tori With regard to the Round the World Trip. This tour operates on a regular basis. I dont have any update about the November one. But I know we always have excellent feed back. Merry Christmas. Kind regards Penny
Hi Penny, pity you were not going on the Austrian Delights trip, Have a great Christams


Hi Andy Wish I were coming too! Having a home Christmas this year. But next year I will be taking a tour. I will really miss the great atmosphere and friendliness of the Just You tours, especially at Christmas. Merry Christmas Andy and a very healthy and happy New Year. Do hope to see you in the New Year.
  • (Member)
Hi Penny

I have booked my first Just You trip to Jordan - A Journey Through Jordan with Dead Sea extension, Sept 09. Would love to get some tips as I have never been to Jordan before.



  • (Member)
Hi Penny

I have booked my first Just You trip to Jordan - A Journey Through Jordan with Dead Sea extension, Sept 09. Would love to get some tips as I have never been to Jordan before.



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