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(Member) (Topic Starter)

my name is susan i am new to holidayingon my own after looseing my husband 15 month ago so thinking about holidays a lone scares me some whot so if there is any one out there who knows what i am feeling like i would love to hear from you.

  • (Member)
Hi Sapphire

I know exactly how you are feeling as do many of our fellow travellers. I lost my husband 6 years ago and thought my world had ended.On my first trip with Just you I went to Sorrento and when I arrived at the airport wondered what the hell had i done.Well all I can say is since then I have been to Austria, Texas (on a ranch ),South Africa, Memphis,Nashville,New Orleans,and will be going on Canyons,National Parks & Little Big Horn in october this year. All i can say is go and have a great time as i have on all these trips,met some lovely people who i am still in contact with.A lady i met and became friends with while on my first trip to Sorrento still comes down from Scotland to visit me and stays the weekend.There are a group of four of us who met while on the nashville trip last oct and we meet up although spread about a bit but manage and have weekends together and have a great time.I went to Las Vegas last month for a week with one of these ladies and we had a ball.Five of us from last Oct trip will be going on the trip in Oct this year,so you see you can make new friends and open up your horizons. Every trip is so well organised there is no worry at all for the traveller.Finding a different life is so difficult but you don't have to be lonely on these trips and if you want your own space that's not a problem either. Always wondering if you have made the right decisions when there is no partner to say "yes let's do it", you will know what is right in time and find your own way. If you do anything just book yourself a trip somewhere. I have never looked back and look forward to the new brochure each year knowing there will be somewhere else for me to venture. I already know what i want to do with just you for next Year and haven't had this years trip yet. New places, new ventures, new friends, new experiences, great laughs,a sense of freedom from the emotional pain but most of all it's your achievment and you made it happen. All it takes is a phone call, so wherever you go just enjoy it believe me you will never look back,i know i haven't

Happy Travelling


  • (Member)
Hi Susan

There is no need to be anxious or nervous at all. You are looked after very well by Just You. I went on my first Just You holiday last year and like you was a bit nervous and apprehensive. But believe me, there is no need. Everyone was friendly and we all had a good time. I would say go on and book a holiday you want to go on. Life is too short!


Hi Susan,

I know how you feel as I lost my husband almost 5 years ago and it has taken me this long to take the plunge. My first JY holiday is next month. Like you, I am apprehensive but, from reading other posts, feel sure that all will be fine.

It is very difficult, isn't it? Why don't you book something quite short to give it a try? Let me know what you decide and how you get on.

Love Kathryn x

Hi Susan, I lost my husband just over 2 years ago to cancer after 30 years of marriage. We travelled alot and I didn't fancy never going away again. Last September I plucked up the courage to go to Italy with Just You. I'm quite a shy person and was really nervious about going alone. I had a lovely time and everyone was really friendly and also on their own for one reason or another. I have booked to go to South Africa on 3rd September which I am really looking forward to. It's still quite scary even though I've been with JY before and have a better idea of what to expect. Anyway hope this helps, all the best Carol Mc
hello my name is sandra 50, iam thinking of joining you all on my first single holiday but a bit nervouse should i go


  • (Member)
Hello Susan,

You might also like to know that the male outlook is very similar to that of the two ladies who have replied to your letter. I lost my wife just over 2 years ago,(after 45 years) and with much pushing from my children, and other friends, I plucked up courage, last year, to go on a trip with Just You. It was a wonderful holiday, and once I spotted a couple of the significant blue labels on other peoples luggage at Heathrow, all the nerves disappeared. I made many new friends on that first trip and have also kept contact with two of them.

I am now booked to head off to the Austrian Lakes in July this year and am sure that I will be making some new friends again.

It is making that initial step that is the most difficult.

Go for it. I am sure you won't regret it.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Susan,

I lost my partner last August to a very short illness, we'd been dating 2 years and losing her totally devastated me.

I've taken a look at my life and travel and meeting new people as always been a passion so Just You really fit the bill.

I have travelled solo in the past but always sorted out my own flights, htels, etc. However now I would find it difficult to go totally solo so I've booked my first JY holiday to Americas Golden West in June. Really looking forward to it.


Hi Susan

I lost my husband of 46 years 15 months ago.If I was unsure about doing/buying something, his two favourite sayings were "He who dares wins" and "There are no pockets in shrouds", so I have decided to go for it. I have booked to go to China on 12 September. So, yes, Susan, do things while you can. Life is for living.

Best wishes, Brenda

Hello Susan, like you I have very recently lost my husband, just last July, I have taken the plunge and have booked for China in July, am apprehensive, but also exited. Good luck with what ever you decide


Hello all

My husband died 5 years ago and last year I took the plunge and did my first JY holiday. I went on the National Parks, Canyons and Little Big Horn trip last September and had a fabulous time. It's so easy when you know every one else is on their own too. No problem with who to sit with at meal times, just look for a vaguely familiar face and introduce yourself. I am off to Italy in a few weeks time with JY and am already thinking about where to go next.


Hi Susan, I was widowed 24 years ago and its taken me til now to pluck up the courage to go on my first JY holiday so you are very brave. I'm going in September and am nervous, like you, but also quite excited too. I hope you enjoy where ever you pick - don't forget to let us know where you are going and enjoy!