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Hi, Anyone going on this tour like to get in touch. I'm from central Scotland so will be doing the pre tour get together. Sheila

Hi there, I too am going on the same holiday. I live in Bracknell which is not too far from the airport. I have previously been on a Just You holiday, to China and thoroughly enjoyed it so look forward to meeting up at the pre flight get-together.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi JackiNice to hear from someone who is going on the tour.It seemes a long time since I booked but now it's only a few weeks to go. I dont know where I'm looking forward to the most. Like you I have been to China with "just you"in 2005.I loved it & would like to go back to do other parts of the country.

Thanks for getting in touch,


Hi again Sheila, We'll have to wear a red rose so that we recognise one another at the get together at the airport. I am (a very young!) 66 and was widowed 2 years ago so these holidays are just right aren't they? See you on the 1st October,Jackie

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jacki, I think we must be the only two going on this trip. I expected a few more replys. As you say these trips are great for people on there own,it was a friend who gave me an old brochure and got me started. Like you I am a widow but a little younger at 63. The weeks are going fast now, wont be long now. Sheila

Cheryl- your editor
Hi Sheila,

I have come across your messgae and thought I would let you know that your holiday is fully booked with 42 passengers travelling. So please dont worry that you and Jackie are the only ones booked....I am sure they just havent got the hang of the community just yet!!

Of these 42, half of them are a very good ratio for this holiday. Normally its about 3 women to every one man.

Not long now, I bet you are starting to count down the days. I hope you have a lovely time and if I can help you with anything you would like to know before you jet off, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Cheryl, your editor

That's a relief eh Sheila? We won't be alone then. I'm wondering what to take in the way of clothes as the weather varies so much in that area. Like most people, I can never get the packing right anyway and always take too much.

Not meaning to intrude butI am considering this trip in April/May 09 and wondered if you cold update on insider tips...when you get back and what sort of money you think best to take?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cheryl

Thanks for the info, it's a big group. Think name tags will be needed but I answer to anything.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jacki

Big group isnt it, we will need name tags as I'm hopeless at remembering names but I answer to anything.The case is down & dusted -thats when the nerves start to kick in.Like you I dont know what to take,I think layers,so if it's cool you can put on more.We always take things "just in case" dont we. I was told to leave room for all the things we will buy there. Time is going so fast now, see you soon.


Hi Sheila, Yes, less than 3 weeks to go now and, like you, I'm terrible with names, especially as it's such a large group. Do you think it's an 'age thing'? Name tags would be a good idea. Won't be long before our tickets arrive and that's when I know that I'm really going. Look forward to meeting up. Jackie
Hi Kitty, Will certainly let you know how we get on. I am taking a mixture of dollars and a Post Office credit card.You load money on it at the Post Office and there is no charge to use it.

Will be in contact on our return. Jackie

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Karen, not intruding at all. I will be happy to give you any helpful info you need when I get back, money - weather - food etc. I will be in touch as soon as I get to the PC when I get home. Post a note later and let me know what info you want.

Regards Sheila

Hi Sheila, Did you get your ticket this morning? So we really are going. Only 2 weeks to go now-how the time has flown since I booked last year. Look forward to meeting up at the airport. Jackie
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jackie, Got the tickets & another cold!!!. I see we may get SNOW in Yellowstone in Oct. Better pack shoes & sandals,a jacket not kagool. My son is MAD, he's a snowboarder[grandson a skier]& I'm going to be in Jackson,so he's given me a list of cool boarding clothes he would love me to get!!! See you at the airport,I'm the one[?] with white hair. Regards, Sheila

Hi Sheila, You will have to take an extra suitcase for all the extras you will be buying.

My niece has just come back from South Dakota and there was snow there and Yellowstone. BUT, I spoke to an old schoolfriend who lives in Las Vegas and it has 'cooled' to 90!! I will be meeting up with her for dinner. My son works at the Met Office so will try to get some sensible forecast before we go.

Will see you next week and I will be the one with 'natural' blonde highlights. Get rid of that cold before then won't you. Looking forward to meeting up. Regards, Jackie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jacki, It's going to be a case of mixed clothes we will need, I had to do a rethink on what to take. Good you will be able to get more info on weather, I have been looking on the net for info but not alway avaiable. Great you will be able to meet your friend when in Vagas.Clothes all ready to go in the case now, see you on Wed. Regards,Sheila

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Prettykitty

We had a fantastic trip.The weather was good but cool in places, we missed the storms as they were behind us. We did have a tiny bit of snow in Yellowstone but that made it even nicer. Clothes-- take very casual things,they dont "dress"for dinner. In fact you will not have time to change some nights the day is so packed with things going on. I took dollars & travel cheques, I didnt need to change the cheques as things are not expensive,a 3 coarse meal $20, $8 for a burger. Beware of the portions they are as big as you hear.If you need to know more just ask.

Regards Sheila