  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello, is anyone going to Lake Garda for Christmas?


  • (Member)
Hi Wendy

Yes - just booked first singles holiday - Lake Garda. Flying from Manchester. How about you?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ann

I'm going from Gatwick so won't get to meet you before we get to the hotel. Never mind at least there'll be 2 of us there!!! I've been on JY holidays before and had fabulous times, hope this one is as good!I'm going to the reunion next month so hopefully someone may be there, you never know. Look forward to meeting you


  • (Member)
Hi Wendy - won't be long now before Lake Garda. Hope they don't have any more rain in Venice! Look forward to meeting you. Ann
  • (Member)
Hello Wendy and Ann

I will be joining you in Lake Garda for Christmas! Have just booked, very last minute and spontaneous and I am looking forward to the trip very much but anxious as well as it's my first Just You holiday. I fly from Gatwick and am told there are 19 in the party.

Looking forward to meeting you and the other 16 on Tuesday next week.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie

Sorry I didn't get the message before we met in person!!! What a great time we had! As you said, hope there aren't too many complaints from the miserable ones who didn't like us enjoying ourselves!!!!

Hope we meet again


  • (Member)
Hi Julie and Wendy

I too am sorry I didn't pick up Julie's message before we all left home for Lake Garda. I enjoyed it despite all the problems (!) and certainly hope to go on another Just You holiday. Perhaps we'll meet again some time. Good luck and best wishes to you both.

Ann S