penny carter
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I've just booked to go on this trip on April 24th and would love to hear from anyone else who's going. This will be my second Just You holiday.

Regards Penny

Hi Penny

I'm on the 24 April departure to Tunisia too, and looking forward to my first trip with Just You. I've done one trip before, to Egypt, with another company for single travellers so I look forward to seeing how this compares!


penny carter
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angela,

Thanks for replying to my message.Tunisia will be my second Just You holiday.I went to Catalonia in September and had a great time.I'm sure you will too! Looking forward to this trip even more as it is totally different to anything I have done before!

See you on the 24th April

Regards Penny

Hi all, I will be going to Tunisia too - will be my first holiday with JustYou. See you there :)


penny carter
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angela,

Do you remember me? I was on the Tunisian holiday with you in 2009 and have just been emailed about the new JY Community Website and saw our correspondence regarding our holiday! The site will take some getting used to and I'm not sure you'll even get this message but I thought I'd write anyway. Hope you are well.

I'm still in touch with Charles and Vivien from our trip.Anyway, it would be nice to hear from you if you feel like getting in touch.

Best Wishes
