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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Only 2 months before we go, found the messages from those who have just come back from Kenya very helpful, especially what clothes to take on safari. I must stop buying things now. Has anyone had their vacinations yet, just about to make appointment to get mine.

I noticed from Ronnie's question to the Tour Manager, there will be 12 of us on this trip, looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Pattie 🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Pattie,yes have had mine (vac's)going to order currency end of month am getting Kenya shillings and Dollars and taking a little sterling in reserve,well atleast we know there is 2 of us out of the 12 who are going.

where abouts are you trevelling from? did think of car sharing to Heathrow.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ronnie

I'm travelling from South Wales by National Express, long journey but hey the holiday starts then doesn't it? I've booked my vacinations for 18 August, what malari tablets have you got? Must do my currency as well as the time will now, hopefully, fly by.

How exciting.

Pattie 🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Patti,

The malaria tablets i have are (Malarone),

I am travelling from Kent just 2 miles from M25.Time does seemed to be flying by.:-).

Hi everyone its Paula. Thought everyone had disapeared! Only joking. Not long to go now. Having my yellow fever injection on monday. Got loads to sort out. But looking forward to the trip and meeting everyone.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Paula

Well at least we now know there is 3 of us, I am having my vacinations next Tuesday so now the count down has started. How exciting. Where are you travelling from?

Pattie 🙂

Hi Pattie

Im having the rest of my vacs next monday. Had the yellow fever last week. Im travelling from Gloucestershire. Will take me about 2 hours to get to Heathrow. About to sort out my visa now too. Not sure what clothes to take for the safari. Best to cover up i guess. Have you any tips?

  • (Member)
Hello Playmates/Fellow Travellers.

Looking forward to meeting you all on Oct.7th.

I'm 71 year old widow, first time to holiday alone, first time flying or going into an airport. I've got a lot to learn!

I've started my inoculations like several of you.

Will be travelling to airport from Ringwood on the coach.

I'm not nervous, a bit apprehensive but I'm sure I shall be fine .

See you soon


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

Sadly I have had to cancel my trip to Kenya as I have an older husband and he was unfortunately admitted into hospital 16th September, we had hoped I would still have been able to go but circumstances have now taken that decision out of my hands. I hope you all have a fabulous time an that I will meet up with you on some future holiday. Let me know the highlights of your trip 😞

  • (Member)
Hi pattie,

Sorry to about your husband hopes he gets better soon and you will be able to go on the trip at a later date.


Hi Pattie

Sorry to hear that your unable to come. Hope your husband gets better soon and take care!!


Hi Ronnie

Looking forward to meeting you later!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Paula and Ronnie

Sadly my husband passed away on the 15th October so cancelling my holiday was the right decision. Hope you all had a good time; I'm thinking about booking the same trip in March, let me know what you thought of everything especially the extension in Mombasa, is it worth doing.


  • (Member)
Hi Pattie, i am very sorry to hear your loss,

as i know what you are going through as my wife died in January this year.

as for holiday extension for me and a few it was worth you have more time to relax.but must say holiday was great.


  • (Member)

as a Just You tour manager I see many guests who have suffered a loss and travelling on such a holiday will confirm that you are not alone in going through what you have and I see peoples confidence build during a tour as they find a new way forward. Whilst we all do things at our own speed I can only say that guests often wish they hadnt hesitated for so long!! Take the plunge....the world awaits you.

Daniel Adams

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Daniel

I really appreciated your message, thank you so much. You advice has been taken and I have re-booked my Kenya holiday and will be going on 3 March, 2010. Looking forward to getting in touch with fellow travellors soon.

Thank you again

Pattie 🙂