Hi Ben,
I've been very interested to read the above comments. As a loyal JY customer who has booked six holidays over the last four years, I'm continually surprised that I am not on the mailing list to receive the new JY brochure. The only time I ever receive one is when I return from a tour and tick the box requesting one on the holiday questionnaire (which arrived about two months after my last holiday!). I get occasional emails from JY, but I do think communication could be improved.
Also, on a related issue are you in a position to say whether it is likely that the Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour will be offered in early 2014 (January to March) as I don't want to go in the rainy season!!!
Finally, I've noticed over the last couple of months that whenever I tick the "subscribe and receive email notification of new replies" when posting, this is not registering and I don't get the email notification which has resulted in me missing some posts that have been direct replies to queries I've posted (and so, sorry to anyone that has replied to a post of mine which I've failed to acknowledge!).
All the best,