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Thank you Vickie

New invoice with correct DOB  received.

All set to go .   :shy:

Hi Willpower,

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that.

I will ask the team to correct this, could you let me know your correct DOB (I will not approve the post as this is personal information) and I will then get it corrected and another invoice sent out.

Many thanks,


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Willpower,

Sorry to hear that. I've just requested another for you so it should arrive shortly.

Many thanks,


Thanks Vickie. I have now received a new invoice.  Only one last problem, you have my date of birth wrong.    Does this make any difference when sorting out the flight/seat bookings ?     I can't see anyway to check that the details are correct in my account, so I shall have to rely upon you to rectify.

'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Gill,

Sorry to hear this, I've requested another one for you.



Thanks Vickie, I’ve just received it.


Hi Gill,

Sorry to hear this, I've requested another one for you.



I also made my final payment online about three weeks ago and didn’t receive confirmation.  My booking ref is A455616. Please could you arrange for confirmation to be emailed to me.

Thanks, Gill

Hi Willpower,

Sorry to hear that. I've just requested another for you so it should arrive shortly.

Many thanks,


I've just read this and can also say that on 17th July I paid the full balance for my holiday, but have never received a Confirmation / Amendment Invoice  

Booking Ref A453264  Tribes & Natural Wonders Namibia 9th October 2019

Could you please resolve this, as at the moment the most up to date invoice I have is still showing a balance to pay.


Una 5 years ago
Hi. My confirmation email came in this afternoon.



'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Peter,

Apologies,a technical glitch means your invoice wasn't sent. I've requested another be emailed to you.

Many thanks,


Thanks Vickie, I can confirm it came this morning.