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Poor Sue. It is not nice to be kicked at by spoilt brats. I blame the parents. I know parents do not like others telling their children off, but if I was being kicked at during the flight I would have said something. On the other hand I feel that the airline stewards/stewardesses should be able to help in such instances and deal with the situation like they do with misbehaving adults. Ban the brats forever! I know I am being harsh. I do like children but do not have any time for spoilt brats.



Oh dear Sue, poor you. On all 4 flights to New Zealand, only had one problem with a child. The look I gave her soon stopped that 😉 


Good Morning Sue,

I'm so sorry to hear that you experienced some issues during your flight.

I am however delighted to hear that you had a wonderful time on your trip to Borneo.

Kind Regards,


By the way the actual holiday was perfect!!


Thank you I have received my feedback form via my travel agent.

Interesting info re pre booking seats as I was not able to do it even though I booked through agent. Bizarre as lots of people on my trip had aisle/window seats.

However it wouldn't have made any difference as all 3 of us spent the whole trip to KL being kicked in the back by 2 badly behaved and ineffectually disciplined children. Added to which we had to listen to the mother threatening non existing punishments all the way! I'd have sat on the floor to avoid that experience!!!

Anyway, forward and up and onto the next experience!!



I think you were able to choose your seats because either you upgraded or you had an individual booking reference number. Otherwise you are not able to either check online nor choose your seats. BA have started charging for Aisle seats on busy flights - I know this from experience when I did the South Africa trip. I arrive at the Airport very early hoping that I will get an aisle seat and to date I may have succeeded once. I always put in a request for an aisle seat, for medical reasons, but on arrival find that I have been given a middle seat. I know Just You is unable to guarantee one's request for a particular seat but surely they are allocated a number of seats whereby there must be some aisle seats available. I book my trips months if not year in advance so to expect an aisle seat is not too much to ask!



Got my questionaire form today thank you.


Hello Travellite,

I could not book my seat as I was part of the package with Just You. I like a window seat and it is only because I wrote an email to Singapore Airlines with the flight details that I had a window seat on all four flights. Travel Agent could not manage that 😕 


Hello all,

I have always booked my JY holidays directly with JY by phone, it takes less than 30 minuets, and at the airport check-in desk I ask for an isle seat and usually I get the seat I want if not a window seat.

On a number of flights I have been on with BA there have been a few empty seats anyway so there is a chance of getting the seat the you ask for.

As for feedback forms I have always received one, as I have said before, sometimes it's on the mat when I return home or comes a few days or a week or so later.


Glad that’s resolved-ish. The benefit of using a travel agent appears to be that as a passenger you are not on a block booking number and can check in from home and sort out a reasonable seat before travel and save the tedious onerous hassle of finding yourself left with a choice of a middle seat, or a middle seat, or....

Which is not the best start to a holiday!

For me that outweighs feedback forms.Travellite