I am so sorry this has happened. It must not have been easy news for you and your sister.
Kindest Regards,
My sister and myself are booked? And we were told it was a definite departure (when we booked and when the departure date changed from Mon 8th to Tue 9th after the airline changed schedule). I've also noticed that May is not listed on the website any more.
Good Afternoon Una,
I am looking into this.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Kind Regards,
There are currently no travelers booked on this tour but it is still early days.
Can you tell me the number of passengers on the May departure of this tour, age group, male/female split ?
I have travelled on several JY holidays before, this time my sister is going as well, and I thought I'd give her some info so she has an idea of what to expect......
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