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When I booked this I was unable to obtain hardly any information about the excursions, although I did ask.  I have booked them incidentally, but I wonder if there is any chance if you could find out the following for me please. 

On the overview of the trip, it only states "a certain amount of walking is necessary".  On each excursion it states "moderate walking".  In each city does that consist of cobbled streets, lots of steps etc., as I gather in Bratislava it may?  On previous trips I have "opted out" if there are lots of steps to go down (in particular), but I recognise if I am with a large group that this may be difficult.  I would appreciate further information on each excursion if this is possible for you to obtain. 

The excursions are listed as "half day ones".  Will this mean that they are morning ones do you know, as I see that we will be sailing on one afternoon, and I am assuming that we will be back on board each day for lunch? 

Is the 17th November departure fully booked now please|?  I understood when I booked that it was, but I have not seen the website updated to reflect this.  If so, how many people are travelling, and I assume that the T.M will be travelling with us from Heathrow?

I recognise that I am way early to be asking these questions, but it would be interesting to know, particularly in relation to the excursions. 

Thanks as always.

Thanks Jaya.  🙂
Hi Bosuncat

Enjoy your first river cruise. I would like to do one some day in the future. Not keen on sea cruises or huge ships.


You will be pleased to know that I have booked!  :P

Thank you for your advice on the numbers Monty.  I got the last main Deck cabin on the 17th November departure.

Hi Bosuncat,

That's great news! If you have any more questions about this trip, please let me know.

Kindest regards,


I meant the 9th November booking, not the 17th!
Thanks Monty, 

I will be ringing to book tomorrow I think.  It is actually the 17th November booking I am looking t so I think I stand more chance.

And thanks for your recommendation Sally.  🙂

Hi Bosuncat

I know a few people who have done River Cruises and have raved about them. It seems a brilliant way of seeing lots of places but not having to change hotels all the time. The only thing you would have to worry about is getting up and down the steps onboard and getting on and off the boat but you will have handrails so I'm sure you would be fine. I say - go for it!


Hi Bosuncat,

There are 17 places available on the 9th November departure and only 6 places remaining on the 17th November departure. I do hope you manage to secure a place before they all go, as it completely sold out in March this year.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

Could you tell me how close this trip is to being sold out for both the dates in November, please?

I am trying to persuade myself that this would be a good option for me as I am having so many problems with dates.  I've never done a river cruise before, and very rarely see any reviews on here for them.  Knowing my luck they will both be sold out before I can make up my mind.  🙂