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Hello everyone

I received the new 2013 brochure, but after requesting it on line. I too was surprised to note that there was no mention of the one off tours, but guessed this was due to the brochures being printed before all the information was available. For selfish reasons, I sincerely hope that the Kerala trip will be on offer next year with the same itinerary and hotels etc. So disappointed that I have had to cancel, but if I feel fit enough after my treatment and a place is still available in October then I will definitely book it. Otherwise hope it is on offer next year. I had set my heart on this trip and the Nile Cruise with Sharm el Sheikh add on and again hope that this will be available next year. I think the add on after the Nile Cruise is an extra which was not on offer in previous years. Are we not all getting a bit demanding for Ben?!!....


Ben 11 years ago
Good morning Sylvia,

Thankyou for highlighting this to me, would you please as detailed above, email me your contact address,



Hi Ben

I too only receive brochures if I request them. I also never ever receive emails or post with special offers!

I think JY are lacking in communicating to their loyal and potential customers and something needs to be done about this. Other companies regularly send me updates by post, email etc.



Ben 11 years ago
Good morning to you all,

Could I please ask that you all send me your postal addresses to:

when convenient with you, I would like to investigate further why you aren't receiving our Just You mailings, I know you are such advocates and loyal customers of the brand, I do apologise that we haven't got this quite right, it will be remedied though 🙂



Me too I think my email for extra hols not in the brochure. You have my email details i think?
Hi Ben, was suprised to read that mini brochures were sent out about 4 weeks ago. I have not received any leaflets or such for them although I am on JY brochure list and received latest full brochure. Looks like your mailings have failed in some way reading into other comments above.


Hi Ben,

I've been very interested to read the above comments. As a loyal JY customer who has booked six holidays over the last four years, I'm continually surprised that I am not on the mailing list to receive the new JY brochure. The only time I ever receive one is when I return from a tour and tick the box requesting one on the holiday questionnaire (which arrived about two months after my last holiday!). I get occasional emails from JY, but I do think communication could be improved.

Also, on a related issue are you in a position to say whether it is likely that the Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour will be offered in early 2014 (January to March) as I don't want to go in the rainy season!!!

Finally, I've noticed over the last couple of months that whenever I tick the "subscribe and receive email notification of new replies" when posting, this is not registering and I don't get the email notification which has resulted in me missing some posts that have been direct replies to queries I've posted (and so, sorry to anyone that has replied to a post of mine which I've failed to acknowledge!).

All the best,


Thanks Ben, it is fantastic news that the holidays are proving such a success and no I haven't received a mini brochure and had absolutely no idea one had been issued, very strange, I would have thought it would have been sent at the same time as the main brochure, however I will email my postal details.

Why did I ever doubt that JY wouldn't be on the button, perhaps it got lost in the post!

Once again many thanks.

Kind regards

Hi Ben,

I havent received the mini brochure either. I will e mail my address.

Regards Sheila

Ben 11 years ago
Good afternoon,

Thanks very much for getting in touch. You are quite correct, the 2013 brochure had since gone to print before the 'one off tours' were even really conceived, this does mean they missed out there. However and I'm not sure why you haven't received this; there was a mini brochure produced for these tours which mailed about 4 weeks ago. If you would like me to send you a copy, please email your postal address to me:

The tours have sold incredibly well and I have no doubts that they will be included in the 2014 brochure, for which, planning is well under way!

I hope this helps and thanks for sharing your ideas,

