Hi Stella,
There is no right or wrong answer to this - a certain amount depends on you as a photographer and what you like to photograph.
For myself I am going to Burma in October and intend to take only 23mm & 60mm prime lenses with 2 bodies, plus another fixed lens 23mm camera, but that suits my style & my type of photography. I would not necessarily advise this for others though!
It somewhat depends on what you like to photograph & how comfortable you are in certain situations.
The tour is, so far as I can tell from the reviews, fairly full on so you don't want to be wasting time changing lenses too often - you probably don't have too much time for this anyway! . Also every time you change lenses there is a risk of dirt getting in. The 24 - 105 will cover most shooting situations and if you are a confident people photographer this is ideal. I could probably shoot the entire trip on this one lens. However, if you like candids, & I suspect there will be plenty of opportunities for these, and you are not too confident in going up to people I would suggest you also take the 75 - 300, this would also be useful for picking out detail in temples & other buildings.
For the 16 - 35 then most of this doubles up with the 24 - 105 and unless you like working close to your subject then I might be tempted to leave that at home as well. That said I never like to be without and if you did have a problem with the 24 - 105 this could be a saviour if lurking in your bag.
Unless you are particularly into macro photography I personally would leave the 100 behind as this is covered by the 24 - 105.
Take plenty of memory & a soft cloth to keep the camera clean to minimise dust when changing lenses.
Anything more specific then please ask.