
Thanks for this response. I look forward to hearing about Alicia's visit and any plann improvements.


Something doesn't  quite add up here. If the dining time was a "suggestion ",   why did the tour manger not consult the group before  accepting the "suggested" time.  It seems the hotel may be trying to dig itself out of a hole. It will be very interesting to hear the outcome  of Alicia's visit.
I found the food in the Hotel Albatros was poor, repetitive, over cooked and greasy. Some fresh cut fruit would have been lovely. The seating arrangements at long tables was dreadful with no space between each table. There was a little side room that would have been lovely for us to eat in but someone said that was for the Saga Group but I can't confirm if it actually used by Saga. I found the staff to be hard working and pleasant to me. The hotel was just too big and definitely should not be classed as a four star.

The problem to me was our TM. When we first arrived at the hotel at noon we were dumped, he said get a coffee and check in after 2pm. So our group was left not knowing where to go or what to do. Our TM should have looked into this for us before we arrived and been able to tell us where we could get a snack. At the meet up he said we could eat between certain times I asked if there would be a table for Just You guests. He said he would arrange this which he should have done before the meeting. I don't go on a JY holiday to sit on my own at dinner. I believe it was out TM who suggested the time at 6.30pm, far too early. He also could have arranged for jugs of tap water to be on our table.

I could go on about our TM but I will be sending a longer letter to JY with my complaints but to me and others on our tour this man was highly disorganised and rude. Perhaps I have been spoiled as all previous TM's have been excellent.

Hi Monty & Julia,

I understand this is a work in progress... but can I start by saying, at no time did we have the best tables in the restaurant. We put in tables in a corner of the restaurant we no space between the tables to move or get out without disturbing half of the people seated. The best tables were kept for non groups. Also, the snack bar only served all inclusive guests!! or so we were told.

Kind Regards


Hi All,

Many thanks for all your addition comments on this holiday, I have passed them all to our Product team who will investigate the matter.

In the meantime please make sure you complete and return your customer questionnaire for our Customer Care team.

Many thanks,


I've been thinking again (Scary)!  :)

Kezzer is so right.  We were definitely not put in the best seats in the restaurant, same repetitive soups every night (and yes I know I ate them), but I fancied very little of what was on the main course.  There was only one night when I can say that I actually enjoyed the main course when swordfish was served, which was pleasant,  Very little choice on desserts, and also fresh fruit.  As I remember we were given no choice on what time we ate, just told it was 7pm. 

Somebody on here, (it may well have been Kezzer, I am not sure now), mentioned about the lack of a lift down to the restaurant.  The lack of disabled access in the hotel is fairly appalling I think.  Even to get downstairs to the outside you have to use stairs, albeit in Block A there is a lift down to the Wellness Centre, and then to the pool.  I only used the pool bar once, to get a drink on the last day, but noticed immediately the lack of a cash till there, and also there did not seem to be a ramp up to it. 

J.Y needs to urgently consider the fact that they need a local rep at the airport.  The T.M (whether coming in from the U.K), or locally, cannot be in 2 places at once, and it is totally unfair to expect groups to be "dumped" at a strange hotel, (where they cannot even check in until 2p.m) with no idea of where anything is, and where they cannot even get a drink, because the inside bar is closed, and the outside bar will not serve them because they are not "all inclusive".

I would like to mention again (and I bought this up, even before going on the holiday) that the optional trip to Mostar should not be on the last day.  Also, if J.Y are going to continue to include the farewell meal (and will not, or cannot, change the date of the optional excursion, why not have a farewell meal in one of the many restaurants in Cavtat?  I personally would have much preferred to have had a meal there, (perhaps sitting out by the harbour) than have gone back into Dubrovnik.  It would also have been a far more relaxing experience, with just a short walk down into the town, and no rushing around to get ready, to get back onto a coach again, to bolt down a meal in a very busy place, to get back onto a coach, and then back to a place where it was a struggle to get a drink in the first place!

  • (Member)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi All,

Many thanks for all your addition comments on this holiday, I have passed them all to our Product team who will investigate the matter.

In the meantime please make sure you complete and return your customer questionnaire for our Customer Care team.

Many thanks,


Hi Elisa,

Good to know that this is being sorted.



  • (Member)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi All,

Many thanks for all your addition comments on this holiday, I have passed them all to our Product team who will investigate the matter.

In the meantime please make sure you complete and return your customer questionnaire for our Customer Care team.

Many thanks,


From what i have read it seems that this is a great holiday but with problems with the hotel. I plan to go next year so wont be put off lol but hopefully things will have been sorted by then.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
You are right Mark.  It is a wonderful holiday if the itinerary can be sorted out so that adequate time is given for Kotor and Mostar which were fabulous.  Hope you enjoy when you go.
  • (Member)
Jonah, what a shame that the hotel experience has overshadowed what should have been a lovely holiday in a beautiful area. 

Can I recommend the Croatian Coastal Experience for your next trip to that area!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia/Elisa

Are you able to provide any feedback from Alicia's trip to Croatia to check out the feedback from the first two of these trips?


  • (Member)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi all,

JY Alicia is meeting with our agents over in Croatia next week to resolve some of the issues raised. I can confirm that the Holiday Creator of this tour did visit the hotel last year, so it should be up to Just You's standards. Please see below for a response from Hotel Albatros:

"The time schedule was suggested to Steve so that the group could have the best tables in the restaurant where they could enjoy the company of the group, and those tables were provided and kept during the groups stay.

Civitas restaurant, connected to main restaurant is opened from 10:00-23:00 hours, our Snack bar( poolside bar) is opened from 10:30-18:00 hours, and Aperitiv bar is opened from 17:00-24:00 hours."

Julia will keep you updated with any information that Alicia comes back with.

Kindest regards,


Is there any reply from JY Alicia as to the problems with Hotel Albatros yet please ?

Pat Owen.

  • (Member)
Hi Elisa, I would like to know what the outcome of Alicia's visit to meet with the hotel was please? 

Best wishes, 


Hi Elisa

Just wondered if Alicia had an update for us following her visit to Croatia.



Hi All,

First of all many thanks for your patience in waiting for the response from the Hotel Albatros.

As you know we have taken your feedback very seriously and a meeting has been held between Alicia and our supplier of services which represents the Hotel Albatros.

Just to give you a bit of background the hotel was firstly visited by our Holiday Creator last year in April as we are keen to see as many of our hotels as possible when we put the holidays together. Until now we did not experience bad service or behaviour from the staff, so this has been a shock for us and our agency, as we have been and are still supplied with some great hotels in Croatia.

Talking to our agents they were devastated with the reviews and have promised to put full pressure on the Albatros to improve on the services for our next groups in September and October.

Please see below the feedback from the Albatross who is obviously disappointed and has assured us that improvements will be made:

Staff - the attitude you’ve experienced on your holiday has been highlighted and addressed and in the future staff will be closely monitored at all times. All future groups will have a fully staffed hotel to ensure that customers are served quickly and efficiently.

Lunch – will be available and customers will be able to pay for snacks and lunch at the hotel

Dinner – The hotel will be a lot more flexible with eating times and they are aware that they need to liaise with the Just You Tour Manager to ensure the meal times are suitable for the groups and the itinerary. The location of the tables will be improved again the hotel will discuss with the Tour Manager to ensure it is suitable for the group.

Water – Jugs of tap water will now put on every table at dinner and replenished when required.

With regards to excursions we have taken on board all feedback on the excursions and are looking at the itinerary for 2017. Mostar is on day 7 and is an optional excursion so this leaves the customers to choose if they wish to sit back and relax or visit neighbouring Bosnia. With regards to the Dubrovnik ramparts, the reason this is not included is that the walls have uneven terrain and at times can be difficult to manage for some customers , so we like to leave the choice to the customers to visit or not. Otherwise we would have to include the cost for everyone increasing the cost of the holiday.

Our Croatian agents and the Hotel Albatross are 100% committed to ensure this tour runs smoothly and that services are improved and we of course are behind them to ensure that our next departures don’t encounter the same issues.

Thank you again for all of the feedback it is very valuable to us and helps us understand and improve our holidays, it is very ,much appreciated and I hope that any future holidays to Croatia will be up to our Just You Standards.

Kind regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks Elisa for such detailed feedback and I really hope that the hotel lives up to it's promises so that future groups will have a 100% fabulous experience of this beautiful country.  I also hope that JY will bear in mind the need to be vigilant with the hotel when appointing the TM for future tours.

Best wishes


Thank you for this Elisa.  I was only wondering this morning when we would get feedback. 

It will be interesting to read reviews, and hear of feedback from later groups this year.  I certainly hope they will be better, and I will factor that in on whether I return next year, or the year after. 

I don't really think that the idea of being able to pay for lunch at the hotel, is a huge one as there are many good restaurants in Cavtat itself, but certainly having cash tills open, and working in the hotel itself is. 

Certainly, also the meal times need to be more flexible, and better seating provided, with tap water readily available.

As far as the itinerary is concerned, I know I have had my say previously, but I still feel that Mostar should not be on the last day.

Thank you again for feeding this on to us.  🙂

This tour is on my (very long) wishlist, so I shall be looking out for the next batch of reviews. Mostar would be a must for me, so I hope the excursion can be tweaked to allow a resonable length of time there, and not have to rush back for dinner.
Hi Elisa

Thank you for the information about planned improvements by Hotel Albatross. I too will await, with interest, reviews posted by later group members.


I've followed the posts on the review of the May Dubnovik holiday with interest.  After the holiday I wrote a detailed letter to Just You listing my concerns about the holiday which were largely around the lack of professionalism of the tour manager, a few issues with the hotel and the poor planning of some of the excursions.  As these were concerns were largely about an individual, I did not want to put them in the public arena here. However having had no response from Just You I now feel I have no alternative but to make these concerns public. I would welcome a response from JY to my initial complaint letter or I feel I have no alternative to sharing these concerns more widely.