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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Got back yesterday from my first ever JY holiday. Had a great time, and the Tour Manager, Les, was excellent. Quite a small group size too, which was nice, and they were a nice bunch of people. There were a few problems at the beginning of the holiday with trying to find the Tour Manager at St. Pancras, and with finding the coach at Lille, but after that everything ran smoothly. At the beginning Les did say that the Ypres tour (which I didn't go on) might not run as there was not enough people booked on it, which a few people were not happy about as they has booked the holiday specifically to go on this excursion. Les said he would try and sort out it so it could run. In the end it seems like enough people wanted to go, and the tour went ahead.

On the first night Les asked people if they wanted to go as a group to a local restaurant he'd been recommended. Quite a few said they would, but during the early evening it started pouring with rain so most people dropped out and in the end only three of us went, but to a different restaurant.

If I could make a few comments. Could you make the description of where to meet a little more specific? The info I had just said to go the group meeting point opposite Marks & Spencer. I was looking for someone by a sign, and I found a sign saying "Groups" but no one was there. It was getting really close to the check-in time and still no one was there so I phoned your company - I tried the number in the letter but it didn't work! I ended up phoning the emergency number I had been given. While I was on the phone to you luckily Les saw the JY labels on my bag and came over. It turns out he was behind a desk, and that wasn't what I was looking for. Also he said there had been some problem with the sign above the desk, which had been changed.

One more thing, I thought it a bit odd that Les was labelled as, and the sign above the desk (apparently, before it got changed) as "Travelspehere", I was looking for someone labelled as "Just You". It was a bit confusing.

  • (Member)
Hi Bungle,

I'm so pleased to hear that you had a great time!

I have forwarded your comments on to relevant people around the business so that they can be taken on board.

Kindest regards,


I agree with most of the comments especially the information re the meeting point but I did think Les was underprepared for this tour. He did say he hadn't been on this tour before and it showed. This was a Just You holiday so why was Travelsphere so prominent. Also a welcome drink is not bottled water and orange juice. Not welcoming and not up to Just You's usual standard.
I have been on several Just You breaks. Every one was brilliant except this one.

I went to Rome, a weekend in Leeds, New Year's Eve in Nottingham and Barcelona all with Just You and had a great time so I was very disappointed with the trip to Lille/Bruges.

Firstly, there was no tour of Lille. I have looked at Solos brochure and they do the same trip but they offer a bus trip around Lille so you can get your bearings. I suggest Just You think about doing that too.

Also, I agree with the previous comments concerning Les. He was not prepared at all and a lot of the information he gave us was incorrect. We were told that on the last day since our train leaves a 3PM we could check out at noon as long as we told reception. That was not the case. The hotel were knocking on my door expecting to take my luggage away at 10AM. I was very confused since my French is not that good I didn't know what the girl was trying to tell me. It turned out we should be checking out at 10 not noon.

Regarding the evening meal, we had walked to the Information Point at Rihour. We were told if we wanted to go to dinner as a group we needed to walk back to the hotel to meet up in a couple of hours then walk back to Rihour?? Most people just stayed in Rihour cause we didn't see the point of walking back and forth.

So for dinner I just ate alone both nights because I didn't know what was going on regarding evening meals?

When I got home, I said I would never go on another Just You holiday again. However, having thought about it, this was one bad experience so I may give it another go. I am looking at the Cliento Coast so I hope I don't have the same experience.

  • (Member)
Oh dear, Genie, I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. But don't let it put you off going on another JY holiday. I've not been on the one to the Cilento Coast, although I have been in that area with another company and on two other Italian JY holidays with another booked) but I know it has had good reviews - if you go into "Search" and then enter "Cilento" you'll find everything on the Forum has written about it.

Good luck.


'AnnF' wrote:

Oh dear, Genie, I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. But don't let it put you off going on another JY holiday. I've not been on the one to the Cilento Coast, although I have been in that area with another company and on two other Italian JY holidays with another booked) but I know it has had good reviews - if you go into "Search" and then enter "Cilento" you'll find everything on the Forum has written about it.

Good luck.


Thank you Ann will do. I also see that JY are doing Sardinia so might have a look at this one also. Appreciate your response.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Genie88' wrote:

We were told that on the last day since our train leaves a 3PM we could check out at noon as long as we told reception. That was not the case. The hotel were knocking on my door expecting to take my luggage away at 10AM. I was very confused since my French is not that good I didn't know what the girl was trying to tell me. It turned out we should be checking out at 10 not noon.

Yeah, I got caught out by that one too. Luckily I'd already packed most things, but I had to hurriedly pack the last few items after I worked out what she wanted, and the lady was just leaving by the time I got back to the door with my case.


Regarding the evening meal, we had walked to the Information Point at Rihour. We were told if we wanted to go to dinner as a group we needed to walk back to the hotel to meet up in a couple of hours then walk back to Rihour?? Most people just stayed in Rihour cause we didn't see the point of walking back and forth.

Ah, so that's what happened to the rest of you. Since it had started pouring with rain it was assumed by Les (and by me as well tbh) that people had dropped out when they didn't show up at the hotel reception. I don't really think Les can be blamed for that one. I guess he thought the hotel reception would be the most ideal and convenient place for everyone to meet, and probably that some people might want to freshen up in their room first before going to dinner.

Personally, I don't think it was a "bad" holiday. It could have just done with being a bit better organised, that's all.