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Do I need any jabs for Vietnam/Cambodia? Many thanks


  • (Member)
Good morning Kate,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Unfortunately, I am unable to advise on medical requirements, I advise everybody to consult their GP as they will know what is and isn't required, sorry I can't be more help,



Hello Kate

I am going to Vietnam and Cambodia add on in March 2013. Ben is quite right from his point of view to advise to see your GP practice nurse. As a recently retired senior nurse (now non practicing) here are my thoughts. All my "personal comments" below are based on the Fit for travel website.

- Ideally see your practice nurse at least 6 weeks before travel.

- Have a look at the website - "Fit for travel" and look up the country

you will be visiting. I do this for every holiday abroad.

- On this website it suggests to be up to date with your Tetanus &

diphtheria. We should all have a booster dose every 10 years as an

adult anyway.

- Hepatitis A is recommended - If you have a vaccination for this

holiday and a follow up vaccination in one year after the first - this will

then keep you covered for the next 20 years I believe.

- Typhoid is recommended - it only lasts about 3 years.

- I am taking some Malarone - antimalarial tablets to cover the time on

the Mekong Delta going into Cambodia by boat.

- Japanese B encephalitis is more of a problem from May - October

during the rainy season so I have not had this.

- If you are not doing the Cambodia add on you wont need to use

Malaria tabs.

I'm now up to date with my vaccinations. But just be aware that no vaccination offers 100% cover.

Hope this helps


  • (Member)
Hi Kate I'm on the tour leaving next week and if you look at the Tour Managers tab you'll see our manager Debbie Alcorn has said there is no malaria in any of the places we visit, so Malarone is not needed even if you are doing the Cambodia add-on. There will be mosquitoes however, and they can also carry dengue fever as well as giving nasty bites - so a DEET spray (50%) will be needed to protect yourself. The advice is put sun cream on first, let it dry for about 20 minutes then apply the DEET liberally. I did this when in South Africa and Zambia and had no problems, despite having very sensitive skin.

All the best,



I am doing the 3 April tour. Nomad Clinic considered our destinations and said that I needed Hep A and typhoid. My tetanus is up to date.


Hi all - the reason why I will take malarone antimalarials is to cover the time in the Mekong Delta area which is only a day or two. Have a look at the "Fit for travel" malaria map it is in the red area where it indicates there is a malaria risk. I already had enough tablets in date from previous travel so have gone with the advice of my GP practice nurse. Otherwise we are in low / no risk areas for all the other areas for this trip in Vietnam and Cambodia. Agree - take mosquito protection too as there is no vaccine for Dengue fever which is a mosquito borne infection. Fortunately for me mosquitoes have never bitten me when on my hols around the world !!
  • (Member)
I think the mosquitoes go for people with 'sweet' blood!


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Thank you everyone for your responses.
'Aglassofredplease' wrote:


I am doing the 3 April tour. Nomad Clinic considered our destinations and said that I needed Hep A and typhoid. My tetanus is up to date.


Hello Roy, I am also doing the 3 of April tour and found your post on vaccinations a great help.