(Member) (Topic Starter)
As I'm now single again, I've decided to try JY for the Machu Picchu & Amazon extension on 10th June. If anyone wants to touch base in advance that would be great.

Also any advice from anyone who has been on this trip - any do's and don't's and any recommendations would be welcome.


Debbie In Wales
Hi. I've booked the last place on the Peru, June trip. Hello to all the fellow travellers.

I would appreciate any travel tips for this destination.

Looking forward to meeting everyone. It's going to be an amazing adventure, just sorry I won't be doing the Amazon too.

Debbie. x

I did this trip last year but not the Amazon extra. Peru is an amazing place and well worth the visit. Some of the group were a bit poorly with altitude sickness but cocoa tea and oxygen is always available so use it as required. My advice is take it slow and easy on the first day at altitude and you will hopefully be OK. Machu Picchu alone is worth the trip let alone all the other great sights and cities.

Since that trip last year, I have just got back from India with JY. What an experience and it really is a mad and exciting place. I am already waiting for the 2015 brochure to come out !!!

Pete ..................

  • (Member)
Hi Neil and Debbie,,

I did this trip last November and it was fantastic especially the Amazon add on. If you search through previous posts using the therm "Peru" you will find lots of tips including a link to photos of someone who had been previously.

The best advice I can give is drink lots and lots of water to avoid altitude effects and the coca tea (a bit like green tea) is free and available in all the hotels. we all felt it a bit but one man more than anyone else because he didn't drink enough. (there are always toilets nearby so the normal "see one use one" applies)

its very informal so you don't need lots of clothes but be prepared for cold due to the altitude. if you are doing the Amazon take a head torch rather than a normal one as you will need both hands. I prepared so much for the biting things on the first night but didn't bother much after that as didn't seem to be a problem. you can take walking boots but they get a bit muddy so wellington boot socks and wear the ones they provide.

if you have any questions please ask but i am just off skiing for a week so will answer back on my return if there are any but the ask the editor section is very good


'ksf1' wrote:

Hi Neil and Debbie,,

I did this trip last November and it was fantastic especially the Amazon add on. If you search through previous posts using the therm "Peru" you will find lots of tips including a link to photos of someone who had been previously.

The best advice I can give is drink lots and lots of water to avoid altitude effects and the coca tea (a bit like green tea) is free and available in all the hotels. we all felt it a bit but one man more than anyone else because he didn't drink enough. (there are always toilets nearby so the normal "see one use one" applies)

its very informal so you don't need lots of clothes but be prepared for cold due to the altitude. if you are doing the Amazon take a head torch rather than a normal one as you will need both hands. I prepared so much for the biting things on the first night but didn't bother much after that as didn't seem to be a problem. you can take walking boots but they get a bit muddy so wellington boot socks and wear the ones they provide.

if you have any questions please ask but i am just off skiing for a week so will answer back on my return if there are any but the ask the editor section is very good


Hi Keith

many thanks for the advice and hope you enjoyed your skiing trip, I am doing Peru with Amazon add on in sept with Travelsphere, had thought of taking a torch but hadn't thought of the head torch, good idea if you need to keep hands free, seen plenty of them cheap on ebay, bought some walking boots to keep any crawley things off me ha not sure what you mean by wellington boot socks and wear the ones they provide, do they provide socks to slip over your boots, i guess the lodges wouldn't want you bringing muddy boots back into camp, am looking forward to this, did you get much rain in November and I guess a mixture of cloths are essential for this tour

all the best


Hi All

I am doing the Peru with Amazon add on in May (with Travelsphere) and would appreciate any advice you can give on how much money to take for daily meals, etc. and whether its best to take mainly Nuevo Sol, US Dollars or a good mix of both.



anybody doing the amazon bit I just purchased a head torch on ebay for 2.99, excellent with very bright light and swivels so you can point it downwards as well as ahead, very pleased with it
  • (Member)
Hi Everyone

My last post about wellington boot socks was confusing now I have read it back. They do provide wellington boots so some people take socks to wear with them so I hope that makes sense. Some people took walking boots and I took a trainer type boot and didn't use the wellington boots. It did rain very heavily one night in the Amazon but it soon dries and you just need flip flop type footwear for the lodge. As for currency I took Nuevo Sol and dollars for back up but make sure the local currency is in good condition otherwise retailers might not accept it. I honestly can't remember how much I took but its not an expensive country.

please ask if you have other questions but most of the answers can be found on previous threads

There is a Lady called Carol King who uploaded her photos and they can be seen at 

The photos show exactly what you will see and are a very good representation of the trip


Thanks very much for that I did view Carol's photo's at the weekend were really good so looking forward to it even more now


Hi Keith

I hope that you had a great time skiing,

Thanks very much for providing such useful information. I have already purchased a headtorch and now just need to get the currency ordered asking for them to provide "good quality notes".

The link to Carol's photos are much appreciated

Thanks again


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Debbie & Dave

I'd almost given up on anyone noticing the posting so had got out of the habit of checking!! Great advice on the headtorch - I'll start looking for a suitable one and also I remember to drink water and coca tea.

I'm in the process of getting my vaccinations - yellow fever, rabies, typhoid and a few others... They need to be started about now.
